Sargle Uchiha

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Kiara Uchiha Report | 09/29/2007 10:30 am
Kiara Uchiha
Who am I kidding.U would never read ur damn comments >=[
Kiara Uchiha Report | 09/28/2007 8:36 am
Kiara Uchiha
Daddy! >=| What the hell is going on!?!? R u really Sargle Uchihaa?!? Cuz..........I'm freaked out.
sansty Report | 09/14/2007 5:27 pm
*tries to grab ur kittie* =P
sinclair_gal Report | 09/13/2007 1:29 pm
~random comment~
s5912650 Report | 09/09/2007 3:44 pm
Please take at least a couple of minutes to take this friendship quiz!

On a scale of 1-10, how much of a friend am I to you?

If I died, what would you do?

Would you poke me when I don't want you to?

If you were truly my friend, would you put this into all of your other best friend's comments box?

After taking this quiz, mail me what you would do, and I will mail you my results.

mizunoxtsuki- Report | 09/09/2007 7:54 am
hi sargle uchiha
sinclair_gal Report | 09/09/2007 7:12 am
Kiara Uchiha Report | 09/03/2007 8:07 am
Kiara Uchiha
Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.

Guy: No, this is fun.

Girl: No it's not. Please it's too scary!

Guy: Then tell me you love me.

Girl: Fine I love you. Slow down!

Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.

Girl hugs him

Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me.

(in the paper the next day): A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on it, but only 1 had survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time, then he had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.

If u love any one this much...let them know...before its too late... I love you 4 ever.....and always 2 the end....i cant live without ya.....b-cuz ur my friend..... Send this to 10 ppl in the next 5 min....and....u will get kissed on friday by the love of your life
Chihaku Choniku Report | 09/01/2007 1:38 pm
Chihaku Choniku
thx for your purchase! it will help me reach my goal! have a good one!
Ninja_RaidenX Report | 09/01/2007 8:21 am
hey how u been jw lolz i wonder when kiara wil be on ok well wanna like hang in towns or someting



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