Saren Tyndall

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Last Login: 12/04/2016 6:00 pm

Registered: 04/12/2007

Gender: Male


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My name is Saren. I'm sorry, that's all I can tell you right now. I'm here in this time at the behest of my parents, whose allies face extermination in the future. I have to find their allies here, and help them through the troubling times ahead, using the only powers I have available to do so. My sister is with me, and so things should be easier, yet I can't help but wonder if we'll be able to accomplish our goal.


Name: Saren Tyndall
Age: 21
Species: Half-elf
Strengths: Superhuman strength, mastery of ice and water magic
Weaknesses: Unknown
Personality: Slightly standoffish when in the past, but more compassionate in his own time.

Bio: Saren was born to Adrian and Makoto Kino Tyndall on May 4th, 2015 in Tokyo, Japan. He lived most of his life on Aselia, in Meltokio. He and his sister each received a portion of their parents' powers, but Saren took mostly after his father while Kira received Senshi powers like her mother.

Saren's skill in magic is more directed than his father's, focusing on the water and ice elements. As a result, he has little skill in other areas of magic, such as fire or electricity. However, he has the ability to form pacts with the Summon Spirits of Ice and Water, whereas Adrian's only pact is with Origin.

His current mission is one of self-discovery, since his parents sent him to Earth in the early 21st century to learn more about humans of the time. Despite his disdain for both the planet and the time period, he has resigned himself to conducting his mission.



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Sailor Jade Report | 01/08/2015 7:49 pm
Sailor Jade
"Hmmm..." she puts her hand to her head in a thinking gesture "Well if there is anyway that i can help, just let me know. I mean i might not be adept in with Ice but i can help with other stuff i'm sure" She smiles softly
Sailor Jade Report | 01/07/2015 7:19 pm
Sailor Jade
She looked a little puzzled "Isn't there anyway of amplifying your mana intake in order to summon two elemental's at a time?"
Sailor Jade Report | 01/06/2015 4:04 pm
Sailor Jade
"wow..You must be pretty strong to be able to summon two at once" she looks at her own hands
Sailor Jade Report | 01/04/2015 7:32 pm
Sailor Jade
"Is that an elemental that you can summon? I was actually referring to myself, i've got a grasp on how my magic works again." She looks around a little bit as if hoping nobody else was listening to their conversation
Sailor Jade Report | 01/04/2015 7:12 pm
Sailor Jade
She looked at him kind of puzzled "Is everything alright? I mean are you needing some kind of help from an elemental?"
Sailor Jade Report | 01/04/2015 6:57 pm
Sailor Jade
Sighing once more she stands as well as she can in her dress "um... I didn't mean to make you upset, Saren. Also i'm sorry if i'm ungraceful, i'm still trying to get used to wearing these things" she motions towards her long dress
Sailor Jade Report | 01/04/2015 5:44 pm
Sailor Jade
She looked at the boy raising an eyebrow "What is important now, Saren?" she turned slightly to lay a hand on her pet beside her
Sailor Jade Report | 01/04/2015 5:01 pm
Sailor Jade
"wow, has she given you an answer about that or is she having a hard time convincing the others?" starts to play with her pendant
Sailor Jade Report | 01/04/2015 4:36 pm
Sailor Jade
She chuckles a bit "i'd assume not, they've been set in their ways for centuries"
Sailor Jade Report | 01/04/2015 4:28 pm
Sailor Jade
"I'm glad to hear your not sticking to one kind of alignment, it does get quite boring from time to time." She sighs, and sits down on the floor

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