
My name is Sango. I am on a quest to track and kill the evil demon Naraku, who possessed and killed my little brother Kohaku, causing him to slaughter my father and comrades on a mission, and sent his demons to murder my whole village. I thought I was alone in the world, until I met the half man, half demon InuYasha and his group. They also were after Naraku. There was a strange dressed miko named Kagome, a small kitsune demon named Shippo, and a perverted but handsome monk named Miroku. The five of us, (along with my demon cat Kirara!) are on a journey to defeat the malicious demon Naraku, before he collects all the pieces of the Shikon Jewel and kills us all.

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China Doll` Report | 05/09/2017 10:12 pm
China Doll`
I've found you *Hugs*
It's me Kagome, remember? 4laugh
Xia0Dead Kikyo Clone0aiX Report | 04/04/2017 1:30 am
Xia0Dead Kikyo Clone0aiX
Xia0Dead Kikyo Clone0aiX Report | 04/04/2017 1:29 am
Xia0Dead Kikyo Clone0aiX
Hair Idea
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Ryuu-no-Taisho Report | 02/02/2017 9:16 pm
I'll get the two new Sango items towards the top because I did find an item that is perfect for her in terms of one pose in there was an actual hut and the hair item is Sango's battle style.
The only thing off is that the hair is black and not brown.
The cosplay you see on is my 'Quality Time with Son', since it's one of my many InuTaisho ones, but this one has Sesshomaru's puppy form with it hiding in the grass.
Also, I generally keep items listed, until I've completed their set, so the more poses/items inside it has, the more of it I collect.
A few others are for alchemy that I'm gathering to make something, while the rest are pretty much Lake Kindred eggs.
Even though you were gone for some time, I was wondering, if you still RP. :3
Ryuu-no-Taisho Report | 02/02/2017 8:51 pm
That will take me some time, since I've been working on all kinds of cosplays.
I have one for Koga that is going to be badass, when it's done.
I just can't afford the sword I need. crying
Ryuu-no-Taisho Report | 02/02/2017 8:36 pm
I've made some progress in getting a few kin that I was questing and have been shrinking my wishlist.
I was wondering if you could tell me the item for your hair and maybe the one for the top.
I've got a few ideas for some Sango cosplays myself (i.e. 'Only You, Sango', where she's in the rain and wearing the umbrella hat, and 'The Beautiful Sister Apprentices', where she's working on her Hiraikotsu)
Mostly, I'm just curious about the top and want to see how the item looks on a naked avatar, so you see the whole item.
It would end up as a backup item, it I can't find what I'm looking for for those scenes. biggrin
Ryuu-no-Taisho Report | 02/02/2017 7:46 pm
Hey, long time no see! emotion_hug
Ryuu-no-Taisho Report | 07/21/2016 5:47 am
I'll get it sent right over then.
Ryuu-no-Taisho Report | 07/19/2016 11:13 pm
Did I already send you the start of an RP?
I don't recall, so I just wanted to double check with you.
Ryuu-no-Taisho Report | 07/17/2016 8:39 pm
It looks like I just picked your brain. xd

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