
Samurai4christ's avatar

Last Login: 07/24/2022 9:16 pm

Registered: 07/01/2007

Gender: Female


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ll babaganoosh ll Report | 01/11/2015 6:43 pm
ll babaganoosh ll
you do avi arts right ? ifso I would like you to make my avi as a art how much is it/
shikahroo Report | 03/15/2013 1:38 am
samurai pizza cats hiyaaaa! (wav) hello its been FORever
Epic Mattster Report | 01/01/2012 3:06 am
Epic Mattster
Thanks for buying... AGAIN. c:
Epic Mattster Report | 12/31/2011 11:34 pm
Epic Mattster
Thanks for buying.
Saia-Hime Report | 12/16/2011 4:15 pm
It makes me cry all the time! D:
Akuma Uchitoru Report | 12/14/2011 5:47 pm
Akuma Uchitoru
I'm back.
Saia-Hime Report | 12/14/2011 1:50 pm

Akuma Uchitoru Report | 06/20/2011 9:59 pm
Akuma Uchitoru
Hey Tausha. I miss you. sad
Saia-Hime Report | 06/17/2011 2:39 pm
Samuu! ;0;
Wanna join my livestream? xDD
Akuma Uchitoru Report | 06/07/2011 12:42 pm
Akuma Uchitoru
Hey Tausha. smile I don't know about you, but my closest friends have been talking to me a lot lately, probably because it's summer. For a while it seemed like they weren't saying much at all... So I was kind of worried how much they cared. sad

I kind of miss you... So I'm going to be here on Gaia for a while. smile LOL. I'm such an old user! XD

Sammy, you ever have old friends you used to have but you're not friends with them anymore? You ever feel like talking to them again? I only feel like visiting one or two on here but that's about it... I wonder how they feel about me now... Usually I'm not so forgiving or trusting, but I used to pretty good friends with them, so it's sad that we broke up. sad


[img:399c6f565c] art.gif[/img:399c6f565c]


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Hey Hey, I am Samurai! <3
Not much to say about me. I'm 20 years old, and I love art, playing my guitar, and singing. And, i love my Jesus Christ. : D I am currently a Junior in College getting my degree in Graphics Design. Exciting right? Anyway, thats really it. Leave me a comment or PM me, i am not shy. : D

My collection of avi art will go here. ^^

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