Lina Terrina

Sami-Fire's avatar

Last Login: 05/19/2024 2:29 pm

Registered: 03/10/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/30/1992


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I'm just a traveler, circling the spheres for all manner of widgets and gizmos and gewgaws to entertain myself with. 3nodding


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The Headspace

May or may not be used for assorted prattlings, but at the very least it deserves to look good.


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Chu2byou Report | 01/16/2016 3:32 pm
Same here, mostly working. But now I don't have hours this week, so I'm going to be sitting on my butt sweatdrop Kinda sucks tbh...
I'm good though :3 Yep. I submitted a Ruby Ticket in november. Going to be an awesome pet for sure >o>
I want to get a Rainbow Ticket again XD
Chu2byou Report | 01/16/2016 3:14 pm
Hey blaugh long time no speak
iiBuRgeR IV Report | 07/18/2015 11:44 am
iiBuRgeR IV
thank you for buyying heart
pastel-pirate Report | 07/17/2015 9:49 pm
Thanks for your purchase
hoppybunny98 Report | 07/17/2015 4:54 pm
Thanks for the purchase c:
LilShit969 Report | 07/17/2015 4:13 pm
Thank you for your purchases!!
Stardust Walker Report | 05/19/2014 6:03 pm
Stardust Walker
Thanks for the purchase!
Good luck.
Umpenscrump Report | 08/18/2013 8:24 pm
Well, I've seen a lot of OCs. One thing I've noticed is that people try to make them overly extravagant, probably to try to make them look more original, but when you see it enough it starts to get boring. So it was nice to finally get one that looked like a normal person. Plus he was an adorable redhead with glasses and he looked good in jeans.
Umpenscrump Report | 08/17/2013 8:03 pm
This might sound weird, but I was looking through old art I did for other people and I found one I did for you of Raymond, and I have to say that Raymond was one of my most favorite characters I've drawn for somebody.
ShaneScottSierra Report | 03/26/2013 9:20 pm
want to cont your piccy?


Stairs and Bridges,
Gonna raise a Cathedral with Imagination
Off the Muscle
Gonna leave you in pieces
When you hear my Creation

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