Sakura lady of death

Sakura lady of death's avatar

Last Login: 10/21/2020 11:04 pm

Registered: 11/15/2004

Gender: Female

Location: TV Land

Birthday: 05/27

Stuff on my bod

No items equipped.

Just in case...

...for some reason I end up with amnesia, or any other memory concerned issue, or heck if you are just sitting there wondering to yourself, "Hmm...what an interesting name, I think I would like to know a little more about this Sakura lady of death, or "Hey, I know her! Doesn't she owe me money"; I figured it would be helpful to write up a tiddly-tadish treasure trove of informationishism on who, what, and how am I. Regarding the last one, presently I am doing very fine thank you.

Here are some things you may want to know about me:

I'm a girl.
My age is somewhere between 0 and 100.
I love music~especially 80s music! Synthesizers are forever in style in my book.
I like to read.
Kraft Mac n' Cheese is yummy.
I love cartoons!
I also love anime~which reminds me, did I mention that I love cartoons?
Speaking of anime, Yu Yu Hakusho is my all time favorite!
I'm a Hiei fan--you know, the ultra awesome kind!
Hey, news flash: I love cartoons!!
I also like to draw. ALOT.
Writing is also fun too.
I say alot of random things.
Did I already mention that I am a HUGE HIEI FAN?
Pizza is very eatilicous.

Ok, I think that's everything.

Overall, I'm a pretty average whacked in the brain kind of girl. I enjoy putting on my shoes one at a time and then tickling them spontaneously just like everyone else. If you didn't already catch it from my above list I am HUGELY and I mean, think HULK huge, into cartoons! I really love them. They make me laugh, cry (watch the animated movie The Iron Giant and NOT cry), happy, sleepy, Doc, and even a little grumpy--wait a minute.....

One day when I finally figure out what I want to do with my life, I know one of things on my top TO DO list is to make my own cartoon series. So if you happen to still be reading this (I figure I'll lose people after 'Pizza is very eatilicous') and you want to make a cartoon too, crack open a can of sprite, or some other beverage you are legally allowed to chug and do come visit me via pm or thread chat and we'll make some awesome!

My friends and family make my life. They really do. Without them I think I'd be bored out of my mind. My fiance' is also pretty awesome <3

*AHEM* What time is it? (AY YEiiii Captain) ITS TIME FOR MY FANDOM SPAZZAM!! Do feel free to enjoy! ;3 I know I will.

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((Thank you Gaby! -^______^-))

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. heart heart
(( thank you MEGAN! ^^ ))

By the way, all these Hiei pictures remind me~if you ever want or feel the urge to draw my current avatar (whatever it may be) with Hiei then I will forever love it and you shall become my friend *snaps* like that! heart

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Xaos313 Report | 05/27/2021 6:17 pm
Happy birthday!
Xaos313 Report | 12/04/2020 11:28 am
Saw some stuff about the Animaniacs being rebooted, and I immediately thought of one of my favorite persons and best of Gaian friends. Not sure how much you log in (or not) to Gaia anymore, but I wanted to take the moment to send some warm wishes your way.

Hope that life has been treating you well!
Smart Cloud Report | 11/20/2019 12:00 pm
Smart Cloud
Hello friend
heluvsav Report | 12/18/2017 10:17 pm
Thanks for buying!! Please visit my store again soo n!
Xaos313 Report | 05/27/2017 6:52 am
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Xaos313 Report | 02/09/2017 4:47 pm
And how have the adventures in the real world been for you, old friend?

Still working at Wizarding World of Harry Potter? Or have you found something new and different in the months since last we spoke?

And, with Valetine's day approaching, I'd be remiss if I didn't asks about your beau. Still together?

Probably should ask many other questions to properly catch up with you, but I don't want to overwhelm you with too much chaos (or is it xaos?) at one time...

Xaos313 Report | 12/28/2016 5:01 pm
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Beautiful Imagery Report | 10/23/2016 9:36 am
Beautiful Imagery
Thank you for the purchase, I hope you enjoy your new item! heart
Xaos313 Report | 05/27/2016 5:37 pm
Happy birthday, Tyrone! blaugh
Xaos313 Report | 12/17/2015 3:20 pm
What's up, buttercup?

Been much too long since last we had an opportunity to chat.

Hope that life has been treating you well, and that you have an awesome holiday if we don't catch one another before then.


heart When your avi dreams of being a Game Grump heart
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