Adventurous and energetic
Pioneering and courageous
Enthusiastic and confident
Dynamic and quick-witted
Pioneering and courageous
Enthusiastic and confident
Dynamic and quick-witted
Selfish and quick-tempered
Impulsive and impatient
Foolhardy and daredevil
Impulsive and impatient
Foolhardy and daredevil
I am a 21 year old canuck. Yes, I live in Canadia Land- where there are great polar bears and the popular system of travel is slays pulled by Huskies. Lol.
Uhm I have 4 piercings- 2 on each ear and my 5th would be my eyebrow but..unfortunately it began migrating and I had to take it out ; I really want to re-pierce it. I am really interested in the paranormal and also I am interested in psychology. I wouldn't say I know a huge or great deal of it- but I do have quite a bit of knowledge on such topics...annnd I have a sexy AznSeneition..I mean that literally because he is my love of my life <3 and we'll be together for ever. heart
Ohh..and I get along with everyone, as long as they are not too childish in a sense of 'they are better than everyone because they waste the most money on the dumbest things' which can also include narcissists. So if you would like to message me or add me go ahead, I like making new friends =P
(PSSST I play PS3, if you play MAG..add me! SailorN3ptune_ )
ATM though you can catch me on Vindictus as Nuit.
LoL as Unpoetic

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GF just got in for the summer. She'll be here studying for the BAR so, been trying to get her settled. That and work has been keeping me busy.