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Sailor Alexandrite's avatar

Birthday: 05/03


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About the girl

About the Girl

Name: Ymir Ottoson
Age: 17
Eyes: Pinky purple
Hair: Pine Green
Skin: Pale
Height: 5'2"

Likes: Games, cats, challenges, playing tricks, watermelon, cotton candy
Dislikes: Dogs, magicians, Mexican food

Personality: Sweet, kind, and caring when it comes to her teammates. However, being a friend won't save you from her harmless pranks. Though her exterior would never show it, she is a deviously manipulative girl full of mischief. It's wise to be on her side when it comes to a fight, or her illusions will leave your head spinning!

Personal History:
Ymir Ottoson was orphaned nearly as soon as she was born. Her mother and father were in a car accident only days after her birth, leaving behind their new born daughter and 8 year old son, Leif. Their grandmother became their sole caregiver until Ymir turned 12 when she too passed away. Leif was 20 at the time, and decided he could take care of Ymir to prevent her from ending up in foster care. The kid's inherited their grandma's house when she passed, so they would stay living there. For the next 4 years the siblings grew even closer, building the only friendship Ymir had ever known. Although Leif was a prankster and joker, he always took good care of his younger sister. Ymir would always fall victim to his tricks, but it became one of the things she loved the most about her mischievous older brother.

On the eve of her 16th birthday, Ymir came home from school to find the house had been broken into, and Leif was dead. From the moment Ymir realized she was left all alone in this world, something inside of her awakened. She was able to create the illusion that Leif never really left, and was able to set herself into a painless but false reality. From then on, it appeared she had taken on quite a few of her brother's traits. Though she still held a sweet and caring exterior, everything inside of her screamed Leif.

About the Senshi

Sailor Name: Sailor Alexandrite
Influence: Illusuions
Gem: Alexandrite
Colors: Pine green, purple/pink

When transformed, Ymir becomes Sailor Alexandrite. A spitting image of her brothers personality.

Team: Gemstone Senshi


Powers: 1. Selective Illusions:
The user can induce illusions onto specific targets (or oneself) without affecting unwanted people. Examples: Sending user into a less stressful setting, or, (with plenty of practice), placing others into a more calming environment.

2. Illusive Appearance:
The user can alter their appearance by the use of illusions, appearing as anything or anyone they want.

3.Pain Illusion:
The ability to trick an individual's mind into thinking they are in physical pain. Though it has no physical affect on the body, the pain is quite effective to put down a target. Examples: Faint with pain, Use as torture, drive insane, and can occasionally cause death by overloading the brain.

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