
SabineLevine's avatar

Birthday: 09/04


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Hello there everyone! I have a full name that is printed quite clearly on my birth certificate, however I am not going to post it here. Instead, you can call me Ray, and really, anything else, as long as my nickname doesn't relate to a female dog. Anyway, my good friend Yuki Kyroche happens to be showing me the ropes of Gaia, and I stole the idea she used for her own About Me. Don't worry! I got her permission! *CoughCough* Anyway, enjoy!

Name: Ray, but once again, call me anything you feel is appropriate.

Age: Fifteen, and younger than a good portion of my close friends and acquaintances. It gets annoying after a while...

Birthday: September Fourth, Nineteen Ninety Three. Notice how I didn't use any numbers there, it's a good thing. It honestly doesn't kill you to type out some extra letters now and then.

Gender: Male! Just kidding, April Fools! Oh...wait...heh... I am female, and quite proud of the fact!

Personality: To tell you the truth, if you asked any human being who knew me what they thought of me, personality wise, they would tell you quickly and firmly that I am crazy. Once again, speaking honestly, I would have to agree. I am a bit off kilter, a tad random, and prone to some emotional mood swings. I am also mentally unstable, insane, so on and so forth. Despite my mental flaws, I am a rather sensitive, life loving person. I do truly care about my friends, and I do my best to protect them and keep them happy, simply because I am content when they are. I speak my mind, and I rather enjoy being paid attention to. I mean, honestly, who doesn't? One last quirk, I desperately hate every person who feels the need to use chat speak instead of the English Language. Also, those same people who refuse to type with correct spelling and grammar. If you are one of those people, I suggest you I get my axe. I don't have anger management!

Habits: I do bite my nails, and play with my hair occasionally. My favorite habit, however, happens to be scouting out cute guys and 'stealing' their jackets, or finding someone I know somewhat well and stealing their energy drink. It is fun, you should try it some time.

Crushes: I have many crushes, but none really worth mentioning at the moment. You would not believe how many cute, but unattainable, guys there are at my High School. It really is enough to drive a girl insane.

Status: Mental or emotional? Joking! Anyway, I am currently single, although I'm not sure if I am looking for a relationship. I would much prefer some good friends.

Like: I do love anything creative. Writing, acting, singing, dancing, drawing, sculpting, and role playing, although I suppose that could have simply been included in the Writing category. I also love to read, many different genres and many different authors, which includes a personal favorite, Shakespeare. Music is another thing I am addicted too, and once again, that includes many different composers and genres.

Dislike: People who can bark, but not bite. Let me give an example. There is a female in my Drama Class, let us call her Hannah. While we were doing one of the assignments, which was a monologue of sorts, she criticized every single person who went. However, when she went up to perform herself, she made many people in the class want to kill themselves. I also strongly dislike Math and Science, seeing as it is shoved down my throat at home, and deadlines, I don't work very well under pressure. My strongest dislike, however, would be up in my personality category, with the quick quirk note. Please, read that if you would like to live.

Fears: I am deathly afraid of losing my family or close friends, as well as deathly afraid of spiders. Short and sweet, and completely true.

Height: I am five foot eight, and a half. Confusing? I do enjoy being able to stand and be taller than other females in the school, although it is quite frustrating when it comes to be taller than a crush. Not only is it embarrassing, it is just...awkward.

Weight: No way in hell.

General Appearance: I am five foot eight and a half, as already stated, and although I will not tell you my weight, I will tell you that I do have curves, I am not a stick. I have dark red colored locks, which happen to be naturally curly. It goes without saying that I straighten the ringlets every time I have the chance. I have gorgeous green eyes, with flecks of gold, which are hidden behind a pair of angular glasses. Not matter how long i stay in the sun, I have always retained a rather pale color for skin. Hmm...I think that is about all you need to know.

If you read all of this, I am pleasantly surprised and proud. Although I can't give you anything physically, you can get this...
Please, if you are interested in getting to know me further, send me some mail. If you are interested in a role play, send me some mail. If you just want to send me something, please, feel free! I look forward to hearing from you!

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Yuki-Kyroche Report | 07/22/2011 7:01 pm
the guiiiiiiillllllddddddd. xp
frosty Y u n Y u n Report | 07/22/2011 3:17 pm
frosty Y u n Y u n
o w o
Yuki-Kyroche Report | 02/07/2011 10:45 pm
Yuki-Kyroche Report | 12/31/2010 7:15 pm
can I haz answer to this comment? ; o ;

and you forget we haz a one on one... <3
Yuki-Kyroche Report | 12/27/2010 8:31 pm

I feel rejected otherwise. ; o;
Yuki-Kyroche Report | 12/14/2010 6:37 pm
            BOO! B|

            So... I think you should help me plot for our one on one. :3
CuteLittleBear Report | 12/08/2010 9:54 pm
Thanks for buying xd
Yuki-Kyroche Report | 12/04/2010 9:11 pm


Oh, yea... Morgan says hi. xD
A Capella Perfection Report | 11/21/2010 5:33 pm
A Capella Perfection
Did you happen to get my last message? whee
frosty Y u n Y u n Report | 04/05/2010 12:52 pm
frosty Y u n Y u n
Aw.... but but.. I like the characters. :3

Haha, well... it'll be really interesting to see how this goes. XD



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