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Grimwyn's avatar

Report | 04/18/2010 3:33 pm


lolol xD
which do you watch sub or dub?
i haven't seen bleach in a while; im up to date with the dub
i've gotten upto around episode 190ish in dub but i cant stand it
(himes jap voice pisses me off so bad! e_e)
Mayumi Kuniyuki's avatar

Report | 04/18/2010 6:11 am

Mayumi Kuniyuki

♫~1more day til its ur birthday, star~♫ i`m gonna send u something
Elaynabeth's avatar

Report | 04/18/2010 6:06 am


aw. thanks smile
i'm glad i got it. i like it a lot better than the purple, actually.
you look great, as per usual. smile
honestly, though. i feel like i'm just bumming off of you a lot. :
again, if you want anything back, lemme know! even if i'm wearing it. smile
Yaya Dirah's avatar

Report | 04/17/2010 9:31 pm

Yaya Dirah

yes, yes. unique (: yours too is just so adorable. Unique too, by the way. (:

I miss zomg-ing wif yoo ):
Yaya Dirah's avatar

Report | 04/17/2010 8:58 pm

Yaya Dirah

thanks >w< cuter than the dustbunny eh? (:
Mayumi Kuniyuki's avatar

Report | 04/17/2010 6:03 pm

Mayumi Kuniyuki

lol itz ok cuz i have ice cream =3
Pixelated Bones's avatar

Report | 04/17/2010 5:58 pm

Pixelated Bones

hahah! wink i just got back from hanging out with my friend actually xD now i'm on zomg, farming ss in feathered coati
Mayumi Kuniyuki's avatar

Report | 04/17/2010 4:32 pm

Mayumi Kuniyuki

itz almost ur birthday~♫ hehe
ariannaLOvesxd's avatar

Report | 04/17/2010 8:30 am


tnx for buying :3
Pixelated Bones's avatar

Report | 04/16/2010 6:19 pm

Pixelated Bones

awww i wuvvers you too! *glomps* xD
Yaya Dirah's avatar

Report | 04/15/2010 8:40 pm

Yaya Dirah

biggrin *hugs* >w<
Pixelated Bones's avatar

Report | 04/15/2010 5:31 pm

Pixelated Bones

mmm, i accept. LETS ZOMG THIS BIOTCH UP! biggrin
Pixelated Bones's avatar

Report | 04/15/2010 5:04 pm

Pixelated Bones

i'm not on one yet! you choose(:
Pixelated Bones's avatar

Report | 04/15/2010 4:53 pm

Pixelated Bones

HAIIII! are you playing zomg? i'm doing my homework, but i can switch back and forth, can't i?(:
SilentDeath42's avatar

Report | 04/14/2010 12:18 am


ur welcome woman if ur wandering who i am i am the person that sold u the devil duck
Pixelated Bones's avatar

Report | 04/12/2010 4:32 pm

Pixelated Bones

so today was my first day back at school, and boy i didn't miss it one bit.

so you know the guy i kind of told you about? the one that i was sorta-not-really with last summer? well this year i've been talking to different people about what he's told them about why he just randomly left and there's been numerous different stories. the latest was the one about how he thought he was too good for me and he deserved better. for the last month or two i've accepted that as the story, until i talked to my friend victoria, who's a freshman. her brother, nick, is a senior and he's on the football team with the guy i like.

so phil (the guy i like) was over at her house a lot last week hanging out and such, and victoria and phil are like a brother/sister relationship because she's the sister of one of his really good friends... yeah, you get it.(: but i guess victoria just up and asked him what happened and he said something along the lines of how he feels really really bad about it still because of how it ended and it was because he felt like he was pushing the relationship too fast and he thought he was making me uncomfortable so he panicked and instead of talking about it, he thought that it would be better for me if he just left. it makes a TON of more sense than the other things i've heard because he isn't that much of a douche (pardon my language) and this just fit more. i actually was kind of uncomfortable with the whole thing and how fast it was going, i mean i met the guy and then a month later he was ready for a relationship (at the time, my mom said i couldn't date him unless we were hanging out in a group, meaning i couldn't be alone with him, so i told him that and he said "we just won't officially date yet" and then before he just up and left, i talked to my mom about it and she changed her mind saying that i could date him and be alone with him because she trusts me with guys...) but anyway, victoria told me that and she said "i really think you should talk to him about it. no more hearing other things from people!" so i need to pull him aside one of these days when he isn't busy with school and sports and his job and such. xP

sorry to unload all of this on you, i just needed to rant or vent or get it all out or whatever. so there, now it's out.(: so my day was good since i found that out.

how was yours? xD
Pixelated Bones's avatar

Report | 04/12/2010 4:21 pm

Pixelated Bones

dear -s t a r lit street, :3

it's perfectly fine! i ramble all the time, going off on stories that aren't really related to what we talk about… and i'm tired too! so let's see how i respond here..

NO WAY! i loved the color yellow when i was little and her hair was brown (which is my natural hair color) so obviously, that princess was my fave.(: the bookworm was an added bonus! yeah, same here, i used to just skip on the jewelry (all part of the tomboy charm)and sometimes get friendship bracelets or necklaces for me and friends, but they were always missing by the end of the week since i never wore them anyways. those are cute! you have good taste, my friend. xD but that's something out of my comfort zone for sure. i'm with you there, if i do wear something extravagant, i wear that one only or like a really simple jewelry with it. again, i agree. i like silver so much better than gold! silver goes with pretty much everything too. yeah, i don't like wearing dresses often, like the fancy kind, but light dresses i'm starting to like to wear.(: my mom wouldn't allow me to wear makeup ever, and even when i started high school she was against it. she finally gave in, but i usually just wear eyeliner and when i feel like it, i put on mascara and that's it. freshman year i used to put on eye shadow and foundation and such, but it's just so much of a hassle and it got annoying after a while. LOL that's cute! 5th graders are extremely creative when they want to be! oh pish posh, i'm sure you're good if you're on a team!

my parents are like that too! gah, my mother… and my dad too… are so into the grades and stuff that they have grounded me for months from my phone because i've gotten bad grades before. actually i'm now used to living without a cell phone because of how often it's taken away. xP

that's good though you got to have fun with your team like that!! that's how i am with all my friends and we're loud and obnoxious at school but i hardly notice it… i'm glad you were okay though(: speaking of my day… i'll let it wait actually.

of course! you're welcome! awww, bummer! there's a silver lining in everything though xD see, that's just rude, stealing someone else's poem. she didn't have any morals then! xP i remember when i was in fourth grade, i went to a speech contest and it was in poetry too! i think i won second place, but the competition wasn't that serious haha so it wasn't that much of a win. i'll check that book out after i'm done with this incredibly easy spanish homework that's probably gonna take me a couple hours to finish anyway since i'm online at the same time xD okay, that's just not fair that she got the glory! i'm sure you were much better since you're saying you were(: that's so good! two?! you must come from a pretty darn talented group of kids if you know them well! you're just that awesome(: awww, look! you're gushing about it! that's so sweet though!

oh yeah, same here. i hate labels in general. when people are like "so what group are you in at high school?" or whatever i'm just like "uhh i dunno." see, i listen to carrie underwood and taylor swift sometimes (which they shouldn't really be considered country in my opinion) and others, but people are so quick to judge just based on the music on your ipod. those bands are good! i found some songs that i used to listen to last year and i listened to the smallish bands, like cobra starship, the cab, the academy is… , uhoh! explosion, we the kings, etc. it's just because of my friend katie who's dad works with different bands start and she gets to meet all these people and hang out with them and such… it's ridiculous.

that sounds like my karate instructor (yeah i'm in karate, have been since i was 4 xD) and i can just go to her with anything, like advice and such. she pushes me with everything, and that's what i love. like my volleyball coach this year was dumb, he was so easy on us. i need to be pushed with sports in order to get b
Pixelated Bones's avatar

Report | 04/10/2010 7:13 pm

Pixelated Bones


HAHA that's awesome! when i was little i used to be obsessed with the disney princesses and i always wanted to be belle. that's really cool(: i'm not into the big bling like that, like the fancy stuff, but i'm more into the delicate things like small necklaces and bracelets and rings and that sort of thing. like i used to HATE dresses, but now i'm starting to like them more. i even wore two dresses this week.(: i used to be a total tomboy/daddy's girl… i'm still sort of a daddy's girl, but i'm not about to pick up a stink bug and pose for a picture on a hike anytime soon! xP you're welcome. xD i don't know what the brownie points add up to exactly, but anywho… sometimes when i'm talking, i'll start talking extremely fast and i'll go like "so then she said "he's so not worjaojewklaj… blah, sorry i can't talk today! ANYWAYS…" hahaha, it happens every other day almost. my tongue just doesn't cooperate with my mouth xP typing is easier in that way, i think, but talking is so much faster and much more convienient (duh.) yeah usually i'm all about the grammar and spelling of words and such, i drive my friends crazy sometimes, but at times it doesn't bother me as much either. i just don't like it when people shorten their words "lk dis." it gets confusing and annoying trying to decipher that kind of stuff… OOH GOOD LUCK AT YOUR TOURNEY! well… i guess it already passed huh? ehh, well… how'd you do then? xD aww bummer, that sucks /: i'm sorry! my mom hates being wrong, so we get into mini spouts a lot. she also has a problem with saying she's sorry, which can get irritating. DUDE that suuucks! one point?! i woulda given the point to you, screw the tie stuff. xP

mmm, thanks! i don't usualy get that kind of reaction… mainly people go "are you emo or something?!" which i usually just say "…do i LOOK emo? i'm sure the blonde hair throws you off…" goodness, the people these days… three days grace is good too. i've also started listening to shinedown, but evanescence is the band i've listened to the longest. it can get really depressing after a while though, but it never gets old for me. usually a song will just get overplayed because i have a tendency of putting "repeat" on a lot of the songs/playlists on my ipod… so i overplay it myself xP WITHIN TEMPTATION is really good too! i love their stuff! i got a couple of my friends into them(: i totally agree with you there about their songs. i'll definitely look into that when i get home, i have a thing for listening to people who can sing extreme ranges. strangely the music that i LOVE listening to is irish music. i went to ireland when i was in fourth grade for a couple weeks, and i had to be the youngest kid in those pubs xD it's just stuck with me, i guess.

its just an extreme peeve of mine. i dunno why that is though because sometimes the girl is the one that’s clingy? but whatever. i read your about me, and it's a lot deeper than mine is, even if it is shorter! you have an assistant speech coach? that's pretty cool actually.(: do you guys talk a lot about that kind of stuff?

ooh yes, yes it does. the woes of our lives… I KNOW RIGHT?! it's like "what the hell? i want dr jekyll not mr hyde!" that's a bummer ): sean (that's the guy's name) is in two of my classes (musical theater and dance which are both more like study halls anyways) and i've talked to him a couple of times. he's super nice but you wouldn't know that having just glanced at him. still it's not like he would have any interest in me. but no self pity parties here! guys are just… hurtful, so i'm staying away from them for now. just POs! (pals only xP) or just eye candies of course ahaha(: well the best people have some flaws, but no matter! the good should outweigh the bad in this situation so you in fact are one of the best(: i dunno if that made any sense whatsoever, but bear with me! yes, yes they do. it's impossible not to stalk people on facebook, i think… not near
Elaynabeth's avatar

Report | 04/09/2010 7:09 pm


i hope i didn't bother you by logging out earlier! sorry
also...I took your sugarplum. lemme know if you want it back :]
Pixelated Bones's avatar

Report | 04/09/2010 8:55 am

Pixelated Bones

hahaha i know it's creepy... in a very good way! i'd have to agree with you on that one, online shopping is cheaper than regular shopping, especially on ebay. xD i worry about the sizes sometimes, but the weird thing is that i'm not particularly a shopping girl :X like i'll go and i'll like to look at things, but when i have to try clothes on, THAT'S what i really don't like especially if i have to do it multiple times during a shopping trip. i have a lot of phases too... for me right now are dresses. not like the super fancy ones, just like the summer dresses and such. i go bargain hunting too, i found this adorable dress at marshalls! who would have known? not me! (: school blocking is torture! my history class is almost like a free period, my teacher just puts up power points and lectures us on them and we're supposed to take notes, but no one pays attention because he puts all the slides up on our school website so we just go online and look at them there. during class everyone emails eachother through our school email that the laptop comes with. it's really nice :3 but everything else is blocked, even wikipedia which bugs me to NO end! ahah, once my history teacher let me lie down in the aisle and sleep. i even had a blanket and a pillow! ahh, it was bliss. xD

that'd be fun to do! you can go all funky and cool with glitter and sequins and feathers and that whole sha-bang. xD OOH! those are soo pretty! what color are you thinking about getting? yeah, it's a good idea for a masquerade... only if it works and everybody decides to not be lame and wear them, that is. prom is a bigger deal than winter formal though so i'm sure you guys won't have the same problem!

haha thanks, m'dear! for homecoming i was asked by a junior and it ended up being a disaster: he was one of those who were clingy, so the entire night i was avoiding him like the plague. i reallllllly don't like being tied down to one guy the entire night... it's like an extreme peeve of mine. so i told myself "i'm not going to go to the next dance with any guy" and i stuck to it! i also don't like turning down anyone either, so i had to be nice, let them know i wasn't interested in a sneaky way, and get off the hook of turning them down. xD it worked! you had STALKERS?! stalkers are just beyond creepy D: that sounds like a good excuse, having a boyfriend out of state. i should have made one up hahaha like my current boyfriend ;] i absolutely hate it when things get awkward with guys you used to be close with… or anyone that you used to be close with. HAHAHAHA star i just lol'd there. i try being as nice as possible, but at the same time drawing a permanent big fat line at NOT BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP. the next day after homecoming, the guy i went to homecoming with was talking to me on facebook and he told me that he liked me and i was like "aww s**t." so i told him that i only liked him as a friend and i wrote him this whole paragraph like "i don't want to date because i'm focusing on grades (HA!) and i don't want to lose our friendship" blah blah blah. after all that he just signed off and we barely talk anymore. i felt bad for a couple weeks but i got over it. isn't it hard being us? xP

oh geez that is kind of sad! our sadie's decorations were sort of pathetic i heard because there were only a couple people still left on the council that wasn't on academic probation. my schools is pretty sad since if you have two Fs on your report card/progress report card then you can't participate in any sports or things like the student council. during volleyball season i had two Fs and i couldn't play until the end of the season ): it was depressing. but oh well!

i have to say we're not just writing comments back and forth anymore, these are full blown letters! i'm going to have to start putting "dear star," on the top. xD

i did have a TON of free time and i was looking at different people's profiles because their avi's were really cool and a lot of their abou
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