
Rosy_Owl's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/27/1993


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'Ello! My name is Casey! :]

If you care, I'll inform you of myself a bit. I draw, paint, write, dance, and play the violin. I like to think I can sing, but my skills are...questionable. XD I am the editor-in-cheif of my school's literary magazine and I edit for the school newspaper. I'm also a bit of a nerd, though. I love science and nature. I'm on my school's science olympiad team and I take two math classes. XD I like to bombard myself with way too much work and die trying to finish it all on time. I'm an orchestra dork, and I love to listen to classical music. ^^

I am in the process of teaching myself to draw anime, and it's going well, I think, but I'd say I'm better at realism and non-anime cartoons. I have never done avi art before, but if you'd like some, maybe I would give it a whirl, and for a very cheap price since I have no experience. >.<

If you haven't noticed, my favorite color is purple. I luff it. :] I also love owls. So purple owls just tickle my fancy. I dunno why.

I like to pretend I'm English sometimes, to warn you ahead of time.

I have a tektek shop called Ye Olde Tektek Shoppe, and I make tekteks for people for 250 gold apiece. The link is in my signature if you're interested. :]

I love random PMs and profile comments from people. I'll talk about nearly everything and anything. I love criticism on my avis. And I absolutely love to edit, so if you have a random story or poem that you'd like me to review, I would gladly give you criticism. It's an odd hobby, but that's just me. XD I love to discuss writing.

I'd say that's pretty much it about me. Talk to me whenever you want! I'll answer. :]

Have a lovely day!


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khidd Report | 12/07/2013 8:58 pm
Aww. Sorry to see you left gaia. Q AQ
This is suki, btw. c:
VeraTara Report | 01/27/2013 1:23 pm
Happy Birthday!
khidd Report | 08/25/2012 1:02 pm
Hello thereee~
VeraTara Report | 06/12/2012 4:34 pm
VeraTara Report | 06/12/2012 3:50 pm
Yea it's fun to watch them
VeraTara Report | 06/12/2012 3:30 pm
Yea, one time when i was little we had to stay in.
VeraTara Report | 06/12/2012 3:22 pm
Lol yup! You especially have watch out for the thunder.
Last when we were on the golf cart we saw some floaties fly away.
VeraTara Report | 06/12/2012 3:16 pm
Aww that sucks, i did a video of one last year but it was too hard to see since it was dark and stay up til 3am.
VeraTara Report | 06/12/2012 3:14 pm
Oh I know! We get awesome ones at the river and then the next it's like it never happened lol.
VeraTara Report | 06/12/2012 2:50 pm
Cool, I hope we get a summer storm at parker, it always goes away the next day.


**Formerly known as BlackRose3793**

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