heyy...wats up people???anyways my name is hailey and im __years old....softball is my sport and im really good..ive been playing for four years.. wink im a pitcher and i love to play second...i also play vollyball-skateboarding-and i also loovvee snowboarding!!!i absolutely loovvee shopping!!!i shop at hollister-abercrombie-aero-no fear-zumies-hot topic and pacsun...my favorite colors are HOTT PINK-AQUA BLUE-LIME GREEN-ORANGE-and- REALLY DARK ROYAL PURPLE.....wow...i have the most amazing friends ever..their names are alyssa--triscilla--briana----jessica m.--audra-sami k.and sami ki...omg they fricken ROCK!!!!!i love them 2 death....lol...(best friends?) pleez?(more like sisters!!<3)OMG I ABSOLUTELY LOOVVEE THE TWILIGHT SERIES!!!!EDWARD JACOB EMMETT AND JASPER ARE LIKE WOW!!!AMAZINGLY HOTT!!!!OK anywayz i think this is long enough...so peace out and anyone add me i love meeting new people.... wink so yeah c ya...bye bye~*HaIlEy*~