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Personal History
Rosalie Lillian Hale was born in Rochester, NY in 1915. She had two younger brothers, a housewife for a mother, and a father who worked at a bank. Her father's job helped keep the family wealthy during the Great Depression. She was born beautiful and thus was constantly praised, making her vain and conceited, and like her social-climbing parents, wanting more out of life.

One day Rosalie's mother had her dress up to deliver her father's forgotten lunch to him at work, hoping that the son of the bank's owner would take an interest in Rosalie. It worked, and Royce King the Second sent roses to Rosalie and, after making a comment that her eyes were like violets, began sending her those as well. Their relationship was solely based on physical attraction, as Royce was always very busy at the bank. They became engaged, and two months later, just before the wedding, Rosalie visited her good friend Vera, who Rosalie envied for her baby boy, Henry. When she saw Vera's husband kiss Vera, Rosalie finally realized the lack of love in her relationship with Royce, but quickly dismissed it. While walking home, Rosalie stumbled across Royce and his friends, who were all intoxicated. Royce bragged about his fiancée's beauty, leading to Rosalie being beaten and presumably raped.

Rosalie, whom Royce left to die in the streets, was found by Carlisle, who was drawn to her by the scent of her spilled blood. Taking pity on her, he carried her home and made her a vampire. Three days later, Rosalie's unhappy outlook improved when she saw her beautiful reflection in a mirror. She soon avenged herself by killing all those who had hurt her. Having saved Royce for last, Rosalie donned a stolen bridal gown and found her terrified fiancé locked in a windowless room with a thick, vault-like door guarded by two men after hearing of his friends being killed. After killing the guards, Rosalie entered the room and tortured Royce to death. She did not, however, drink his blood, and is proud that she has, as she puts it "almost as clean a record as Carlisle". She later states that the reason that she didn't drink Royce's blood was because she didn't want to have any of him inside her.

While living with the Cullens in Forks, Rosalie plays the role of the twin sister of Jasper Hale (she prefers to use her real last name rather than Cullen). She has a skill for vehicle mechanics and enjoys toying with car parts; she owns a red BMW M3 convertible but usually goes to school in Edward's silver Volvo (as do all of the Cullens) to try and remain inconspicuous.

Carlisle believes that a certain characteristic is intensified once you become a vampire; although Edward tells Bella he thinks Rosalie's characteristic is her tenacity, it is most likely her beauty that had been intensified. She is still regretful of being turned into a vampire, even though it saved her life and lead her to find her true love.

Edward reveals to Bella during Twilight that Rosalie is mean to her because Bella is an outsider, and she is jealous of her being human. Later she tells Bella she was also jealous of her because Edward finds her more attractive than he does Rosalie (not that she is in love with him, just that she is used to being thought of as the most-beautiful). After Alice sees Bella jump off a cliff in the midst of New Moon, Rosalie calls Edward to tell him Bella is dead. She wants only to have her family back together, (Edward spends the majority of his time alone in other continents grieving his loss) but causes Edward to attempt suicide. Alice calls her when she sees Edward dying and Rosalie realizes what she has done. She gets Emmett and goes after her brother until Alice has Jasper stop her. Rosalie apologizes to Edward and Bella in the car after they return from Italy and confesses how horrible she feels. Bella forgives her and later is treated with a smile from the still guilty Rosalie.

While Edward is away on a hunting trip in Eclipse, unable to stop her, Rosalie tells Bella about her life in hopes that Bella might change her mind and stay human. She says that she might even like Bella more if she stays human. However, she still tries to be nicer to Bella. In Breaking Dawn she even offers to do Bella's hair for her wedding. When Bella finds out she is pregnant, she calls Rosalie, knowing she wishes she were human and could have children. Rosalie stays at Bella's side throughout the pregnancy, defending her whenever someone tries to touch her. She refuses to hunt until Edward does, fearing Edward will have Carlisle abort the pregnancy in her absence. Jacob and Edward discuss her motives. Jacob thinks that she doesn't care about Bella's life and only wants the baby to live so she can take it. Edward agrees with him. She and Jacob share a relationship of constant insults, Blonde jokes from Jacob, Dog insults from Rosalie. Rosalie carves a dog bowl from which Jacob can eat. She tries to preform an emergency c-section on Bella, but loses control and has to be dragged from the room by Alice. After the birth of the baby, Renesmee, she is with her almost all of the time, as is Jacob due to his imprinting causing more bickering between the two, playing the role of her mother while Bella undergoes the transformation into a vampire. When Alice later sees the Volturi attacking, she and Emmett search for nomads to stand as witnesses.

Romantic Relationships
Emmett Cullen
Emmett is Rosalie's husband and true love. Rosalie saved him from a bear attack and carried him 100 miles to her home, despite the extreme effort this costs her, for Carlisle to change him, because she didn't think she could do it herself. In Eclipse, Rosalie tells Bella that she saved Emmett because he reminded her of her friend Vera's son, Henry, with his dark hair and dimpled cheeks and "the strange boyishness that looked so out of place on a grown man's face". They have been married several times, since Rosalie enjoys the ceremony and the attention that it brings her. She and Emmett sometimes live away from the rest of the Cullens as a newlywed couple. Because of her former human life, she is still vain and is very jealous when Edward Cullen--her adoptive brother--falls in love with Bella. She didn't like the fact that he dared fall in love with anyone less beautiful than her.

Royce King
Rosalie was engaged to Royce King in her human life. She was marrying him primarily for financial reasons, and due to her parents' wishes. Two months into their engagement she became aware that there was no love in their relationship, and it ended when Royce and his friends, who were all intoxicated, raped her and left her to die on the street. Carlisle Cullen found her and changed her into a vampire. Afterwards, she took advantage of her superhuman abilities and went after Royce and each of his friends, but making sure she did not spill one drop of their blood because she "did not want any of them in her" and killed them off one by one, leaving Royce for the very last to kill. She killed him dressed in a wedding dress she stole for the occasion. Hoping that he would hear of his friend's murders and shiver at the thought of them--she found him in a windowless shed, saving him for last was the best thing that she could do as she had once told Bella. He screamed a lot that night.

Physical Description
Rosalie is described as being astoundingly beautiful, even for a vampire. She is tall and statuesque, standing at 5'9", with a figure that rivals a model's. She has wavy honey blonde hair that reaches the middle of her back, and golden eyes like the rest of the Cullens, which gradually darken to black if she hasn't fed on blood in a few weeks. As with other vampires, she has marble white skin and purple bruises under her eyes. In her human life, Rosalie was described as a woman who had beauty, elegance, class, and eyes resembeling violets. In the eyes of Bella and other humans, she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Rosalie is described as being incredibly vain, pigheaded, self-centered, and jealous about Bella's relationship with Edward, although she is happily married to Emmett. In Midnight Sun, Edward describes Rosalie as "shallow" after seeing that she was thinking about herself after catching sight of her reflection in someone's glasses. She is, however, fiercely loyal to the Cullens, and does come to care for Bella. She experiences many changes in "Breaking Dawn", when she lives vicariously through Bella to experience motherhood. Rosalie is said to be gifted mechanically, and has a hobby of working on cars. In "Breaking Dawn" it is learned that she is also an excellent musician, second only to Edward.

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