Rosa Shizuko

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Birthday: 05/02


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i NiNjuh-428 Report | 07/05/2009 4:49 pm
i NiNjuh-428
well i know how i died, i just didnt tell you cause it would be hard to explain.
okaay, you know how in scary movies like a monster would have these really BIG blades on as a replacement for its hands?
well...the transformer guy had that and with it, he chopped off my head:O

aand, we left the unicorn underneath the bed 'cause we thought we'd lure everyone away from it.

mhmmm, thats thee dream.
i NiNjuh-428 Report | 07/04/2009 7:36 pm
i NiNjuh-428
Yeaah. I'll tell you the whole thing sense this is unlimited amount of space.
Well..the unicorn was the key to saving the world, and me some friends had to protect it.
The zombies, and transformers were after it as well.
So we were being chased, and we winded up entering some haunted house, and completely clueless
about where to go.
We heard them coming, so we hid the unicorn underneath a bed 0.o

Theen we heard them all coming, so we exit the room and went like upstairs.
The Transformers guy knocked down the wall, and the zombies came in through the door...
Umm, well I ended up dying at the end.




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