About Me

My real name is Brian. I'm currently working toward a college degree in Materials Engineering. I've been a gamer since I was two years old, and I currently have a PS3, for online gaming. I also like anime, and have been branching out to more series and genres over the past couple years. In doing so, I have even come to be a co-admin of an anime fansite for one of my favorite series, Fairy Tail. I love swords, knives, axes, etc; but more recently, I have taken an interest in guns, as well. I guess you could say I like weapons, in general. Don't get me wrong; I'm not a violent person. I just see weapons different from most. To me, a real weapon is more than just a tool for harming or killing others. It is a well-designed, efficient, functional work of art. A real weapon is masterfully engineered, beautifully made, and is used to defend yourself and others from those who would do harm.

I also wish to establish an international organization whose purpose is to, essentially, help make the world a better place by protecting people and their rights, fighting governmental corruption, researching and developing new and innovative technology, as well as finding cures to diseases and cancers that plague our world. How I plan on going about this, I don't yet know. I just know that I have a goal set in my mind, and want to reach it. I've always wanted to help people - save people. However, I know I can't do it alone, which is why I always keep a lookout for people who may share my cause.

My Badges

  • Peelunger Pounder[120]
  • Gramster Gladiator[121]
  • Lawn Gnome Clipper[122]
  • Lawn Gnome Mower[123]
  • Pink Flamingo Fighter[125]
  • Mushroom Cannon Thumper[128]
  • Air Fluff Deflater[131]
  • Air Fluff Decimator[132]
  • Garlic Picker[134]
  • Garlic Harvester[135]
  • Skeeter Squasher[137]
  • Laceback Bootsnake Skinner[140]
  • OMG That Hurt[143]
  • Clutch Holder[146]
  • Cherry Fluff Victor[149]
  • Taiko Drum Banger[152]
  • Kokeshi Doll Trickster[158]
  • Kokeshi Doll Reveler[159]
  • Goof Course[221]
  • Gnoman's Land[222]
  • Hallowed Ground[246]
View More Badges

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View All Comments

applejuicekiss Report | 10/04/2011 6:55 pm
thanks for selling
Yumi Amaterasu Report | 09/20/2011 4:00 pm
Yumi Amaterasu
its alright ^^
Yumi Amaterasu Report | 09/20/2011 3:56 pm
Yumi Amaterasu
oh okay and thank you for accepting my friend request biggrin
akkyrox Report | 08/11/2009 7:33 am
Ye dun seem to be ol these days...
Sup with ye...?

Anyways, I logged in too late... sweatdrop

Happy Belated B`Day... biggrin cheese_whine
akkyrox Report | 06/27/2009 5:59 am
Lol, ye really took a long time...xD

Btw, it had been days, since ye didn`t reply me...
And so, I thought I`ll do all my work, and I`ve completed it already...bull`s eye... wink
It`s about 2 weeks that I`ve completed all of that stuff...phew
And what were ye up to these days, busy with "swords"...?
akkyrox Report | 05/15/2009 5:43 am
But writing it for me is also a kinda help..xD
PLEASE dude, I`m too lazy in doing that stuff...Dx
All that I need is the info, I`ll do the writing stuff...^^

Btw, can ye just search SOMETHING on the net (google), I dunno what the hell to type, just paste the link...
And I`ll throw what I dun need...^^

And the main thing: CAN YOU HELP ME WITH HISTORY, OR Ev.Ed PROJECTS...? o_o``
akkyrox Report | 05/12/2009 2:47 am
Aww, come on buddy... wink
Please, it`ll be a good timepass...xD
Please dude, I`m too bored in writing all that stuff, help me...(and too lazy as well)
Ye said that ye`ll write it for me, so PLEASE dude...^^
~ Akash...
akkyrox Report | 05/08/2009 2:10 am
Lol, twanks dude...^^
Btw, just an essay, hope that you dun get angry as I`m asking ye do hep me...T crying T
It`s too boring, the topic is `An Imaginative Essay`...Dx
Ye can make anything like, a ghost story (please use I), life on mars...etc etc...
Please dude, help me...
PM me this thing, k?
Please, help me...
akkyrox Report | 04/27/2009 5:27 am
Well, reading to all you typed, I forgot what were my plans...xD *jk*

Hm, first I need to complete all of the projects given [about 3-4]
I`ll complete about 8 pages for each project daily...Dx
The rest of the time, I`ll complete my Basket Ball class, and English Class...^^
Then, I`ll have to work out at the Gym...xD
While doing all this stuff, whatever time is left behind, will be used for playing online games and, of course, studying...
Need to even improve my avy... wink

Lol, you must be so bored reading this... crying
Well, you`re pretty lucky that you can practice throwing weapons, it sounds awesome...xD
I`ll also have to save money for my books...Dx
It`s all kinda messed up...

Well then, enjoy your vacations...xD
akkyrox Report | 04/24/2009 12:19 am
Hm, so you`ll be busy most of the time...
But still, we can continue our chat, as we did past 4 months (or 5)...xD
Btw, any new plans...? o_O''

Ronin Ensse

Ronin Ensse's avatar

Last Login: 04/14/2016 6:29 pm

Registered: 06/24/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Georgia

Birthday: 08/10/1989

Occupation: College student

Personal Website


I will always love you.

I will always love you.