
RogueRose11's avatar

Birthday: 11/19


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Ive been called one of a kind, different, weird, strange, crazy, and amazing but "beauty rests in the eye of the beholder." You be the judge; its your decision in the end.

*Wishing I were beside a serene lake taking refuge under a beautiful willow as a gentle breeze cools my skin warmed by your comforting arms.* ♥




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The Daily Journal That Wasnt

I think currently I'm just going to babble in this because this is the first time I'm doing this. Maybe I'll put quotes in that I love and would like to share with


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x-UmiUsagi-x Report | 01/09/2009 2:27 pm
Hahaahahah so u no want anything? xd
yay! Spanish is my culture...thank you for saying it's a beautiful language! ^_^ biggrin
Kent state is here in lame town Ohio...i live here sadly sweatdrop
bu-but...we plan on going to college together & moving to Arizona together & visiting England together! we can't do that if we split up...
...mainly the only reason i want to go to Penn state is even when i was a lil girl living in PA i wanted to go there....
...but now i live in crack town Austiontown Ohio & one of the best universities is Kent here...
*meep* the secret? O.O tis a lil lost here...
ya i know right...
i want it to be over least freshman year...i hate being called a stupid lil freshman! stupid older seniors! Shut up! >_<
im bestie is getting all A's & A+' getting B's a couple A's & i know im getting a D in freaking honors Science...stuid science...I don't need it for what i want to become God!
*sigh* but i guess i should Listen to u...& my bestie...i guess i should keep trying in these honors classes...the grades will show up for me in college not that i was in honors...

Oh! Hey!
...would u happen to know how to get over a besties new BF...i kinda feel angry & on edge when im around him....& he's around my bestie all the time...which sucks...i don't have anytime to talk to my bestie anymore...her BF is always there w/ his hand around her waist...i feel uneasy around him...u have any clue how i can get over this?
x-UmiUsagi-x Report | 01/08/2009 4:59 pm
hello Rose how u been?
hey....what thing on ur wishlist do u really want?
x-UmiUsagi-x Report | 12/15/2008 3:39 pm
it was English that i did well in & that is kinda surprising to me...since im kinda falling back on my natural im surprised but happy...

...WAAAAAAAAAAA i wanna go to Penn state! I was born in PA so i wanted to go to Penn state....but my Bestie over here in Austintown OHIO...wants to go to Kent State...& we promised each other we would go where ever the other wants to go...she seems real hooked on Kent state so i havent opened my mouth about me wanting to go to Penn state...truthfully i don't care...i just want her to be happy... glad u like ur prezzie! biggrin it wasnt expensive for me at all... xd i get gold faster now... i have 4.2k right i think im good w/ gold...

ok ill take another hug! xd ^_^ biggrin

...oh i would go crazy if my computer died... xd

well gotta go...i have hw, a paper, and 3 test to study i hate my freshman year... :XP
x-UmiUsagi-x Report | 12/12/2008 1:32 pm
Hi...i hated midterms...but my friend graded mine & told me i got an A yay! college that bad? im afraid now....but im still gonna go to college! either Kent state...OR Penn State if i can convince my friend to come with me to PA! xd
anyway....the jacket wasn't too expensive...i get gold quickly back up to 3k again don't sweat it...enjoy ur genie jacket! biggrin
& u don't hafta give me anything...unless u have something that i need for my dream avi! xd lawl jk...seriously u don't hafta give me anything! biggrin
RogueRose11 Report | 12/11/2008 6:24 am
i'm so sorry if everyone is wondering where i was, am, still am... its the end of the semester so its finals... complete and utter torture... i dont know if i'll have internet access during my winter break... love you all! sorry for not being on... ♥*hugs*♥
x-UmiUsagi-x Report | 12/04/2008 3:18 am
Rose get on Gaia some time this month plz! Where have u been!? biggrin
x-UmiUsagi-x Report | 11/22/2008 3:03 pm
OMG Rose i didn't know ur b-day was the 19th!
Happy belated b-day! biggrin
Ima give u a belated present! biggrin
x-UmiUsagi-x Report | 10/18/2008 5:36 pm
i'll probably get some help from another science ur a scientist? O.O
i'm good at badmitten but my school only has tennis so ima try for that....
i'm gonna get a midterm soon i think.... XP O.O
i've been kinda bestie stopped smoking...but now she's emo & i think hates ya....
....what about u how have u been?
-x- Failure By Idea -x- Report | 10/17/2008 8:00 am
-x- Failure By Idea -x-
lolz i hash been good...lots of drama but hey...thats high school for ya lolz
-x- Failure By Idea -x- Report | 10/17/2008 7:40 am
-x- Failure By Idea -x-
OMG its been like forever since we've talked Dx *huggles* lolz wats upperz??

Let it be Truth that guides you while Hope and Love give you strength.

Sincerity gives wings to Strength

विश्वसिहि अंजली