
well hear we are again, its always such a pleasure. My name is brad, i don't get on gaia alot so don't worry about it if you message me and i don't get back to you in days or weeks.
I've made some life changes, i don't like women, that's right i like guys. I don't care what you think, lets be honest ill never meet you so keep your comments to yourself i don't care about you so don't try to be rude.
I've been to college and im going back in the fall so im not some little kid i have life goals and im not really into drama. i only get on here because of boredom. i am a nice guy so don't let my about me section detour you from talking to me, i love photography and i went to college for visual communications.
skrillex, deadmau5, and lady gaga is my music. games are black ops 1 and 2 all gtas and many more.