Righteous Eleniel

Righteous Eleniel's avatar

Birthday: 10/22


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Name: Eleniel

Age: 1045

Gender: Female

Species: High Elf

Heritage: Full High Elf

Aura: Water Primary, Fire secondary


- Enhanced Physical Strength: Racial trait, augmented by several years of physical training.

- Enhanced Physical/Magical Endurance: Able to exert self both physically and magically without tiring easily.

- Master Combatant: A master-level wizard and master-level kick-boxer/taijutsu martial artist, she is able to fight her way out of most situations with a balanced mix of magical and physical prowess.

- Spiritual: Very much in touch with herself and her faith, she has a high degree of mental soundness.

- Master of the Infernal Fist: Immunity to Fire, Lightning, Light and Radiation and is able to channel that into herself, to enhance and power her abilities.

- Infernal Blast: Able to expel her collected energy in the form of a beam or radial blast. Additionally, she is able to expel this energy in the form of a ball, with varying sizes depending on the amount of energy placed into it.

- Infernal Strength: Able to use gathered energy to augment her physical abilities.


- Kind
- No-nonsense
- Spiritual
- Celibate
- Driven
- Loyal
- Helpful

Likes: Training, sparring, meditation, doing good deeds.

Dislikes: Evil, criminals, drunkards, slackers, flirty people.

- Physical strength
- Endurance
- Knowledge
- Intelligence
- Magical Prowess
- Combat Efficiency

- Gullible
- Easily made drunk
- Flowers
- Animals
- Killing others
- Air magic

History: Once a commoner from the port city of Elberith in the Elven Empire, she was part of the militia for a long time: the port town was often the victim of attacks from bandits and pirates, due to the fact that the port town was the center for international trade, for the Elven Empire.

Fed up with the constant danger, she would venture into the mountains and seek Grandmaster Sereg, for training in the Way of the Infernal Fist. Her drive and determination got her through the training, and she spends her days defending her town...until the recent invasion of the Dark Elves. Now she ventures to the capital, to speak to her mentor.

Weapon: Her fists and her magic, as well as her fighting style.


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The Hopeless Optimist Report | 10/06/2013 10:46 am
The Hopeless Optimist
Thanks for the buy! ^^
Ivorys Dream Report | 10/05/2013 8:28 pm
Ivorys Dream
Thanks for buying c:

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