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Today i write. Write for what gaians and people i will never see there face to gaian life again. I've learned through these magical, pranking, and awesome times that a website can make you happy in nonsensical terms in which we all feel a bit more happier before we got on. Not only do i leave you with this memory... i leave you with a thought. I have seen my fare share of gaians and fair share of awesome things. I hung out with the camps when i was in others. I was always the one who made the jokes and made everyone laugh. You can get on gaia sad, and leave the website feeling rejuvinated and happier then you once were. Not only did i feel this, but i felt as if i was in the game myself. So this message just doesn't go to my friends, or just to my enemies, but to anyone who notices that you can feel life in a fitional game that feels true to one's soul spirit. Once in the game, your in the game. But i, likewise today, am writing this to all, that my departure to all who have met me in this virtual perallel of life, i departure off this virtualism, and step into reality of its own nature. For once i came.