Hello, there!
My name is Ashley W. but I'm also known as Redd or Redd Raven. I am 20 years old. I like to listen to music, write and imagine, hang with friends, play video games, and draw.
About my Gaia Art Arena Gallery, ALL of my drawings are free-handed and most of the pictures I drew I came up with the design myself
smile Once they were just a vision in my head and then I just took copy paper and a mechanical pencil and drew that vision or design on paper. I know every time I draw, I get better and better, so if you wanna see more of my works to come, be my fan!
My drawings are actually visuals of characters that will be in an upcoming webseries me and my guild team are working on (I'm the guild Captain). And when we have our webseries debut, I'll post one of the website URL thumbnails here. Well if you have any comments about my art work, just send me a message and I'll reply to you asap :3
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I can't wait to hear your ideas!!!^^
I'll finish cleaning it up tomorrow, and you'll finally be able to see it!!! blaugh
long thim no see