
yo...my names rebekka. i really don't want to write a lot about me, because i want you to ask random questions, i want you to get to know me on your own instead of off something you've read. ive got the attention span of a 4 year old. don't make fun of me. im none of your business how old i am. i'm 5 feet, 0 inches tall to be exact. i'm a kid at heart, still. id rather watch cartoons over mtv anyday. i sleep with one eye open, to try and catch my stuffed animals come alive. i love pandas, buy me one?. my heart's too big for my body. i wouldn't say im 'immature' for my age, but im superrr goofy and very loud, but i love every second of it. don't hate. butttt talk to me, cuz i have no life as of summer '08.