RayvnAshes1's avatar

Birthday: 09/10


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My name is Raven Ashley (first name only) and I live in the USA.

I like reading (mostly Fantasy and Yaoi fanfiction), writing (fanfiction and attempts at novels), and I've recently gotten into Manga. I also really want to learn Japanese (Pocky is AMAZING!) yum_onigiri and archery, which I've been interested in since seeing Lord of the Rings when I was little (though my 'crush' on Legolas came much later).

My favorite fandoms are...*drum role*

For Books:
Harry Potter
Vampire Academy
Vampire Knight
Ao No (Blue) Exorcist

And TV Shows:
Big Bang Theory
Criminal Minds
Law and Order
The Mentalist

I'm a Senior in High School, and in the fall (2013) I will be attending college and aiming for a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice, as well as maybe Psychology. My career goal is to become a Criminal Profiler.

This explains my love for crime shows, and, while I enjoy them very much, I know perfectly well that they're not very accurate. But, who cares, right? It's a TV show, they aren't known for being 100% realistic.

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Bunny-Trail One Shots

This journal will be a compilation of all the under-developed ideas I have in my head for my fanfiction stories. If I think up an idea, I'll type it and post it, though it will only be a short part. If I choose to build on an idea, I'll post it somew





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