rath and peace 7

rath and peace 7's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 06/19


Equipped List


All about a girl who made a deal and became a vamp.

Well the things I like are food, shopping, reading, Naruto and drawing. Mostly goth drawings but hey we all have our talents. My favorite charicter in Naruto is Sasori. My dream guy would be romantic, funny, smart, cute and as a cherry on top enjoys making fun of movies with the family. My big thing is learning about different religons. The in and outs ya know? Mostly I'm a HUGE movie buff. Mostly anime and action and some comedy to!!! A good laugh never hurt no one!!! And if you don't like me i don't care it's not like I'm evil or anything(hides a big demon in closet) no I'm as nice as they come!!!!! Well send me a message if ya want. I don't care really. I write storys as a hobby and enjoy finding new ways to wow presons. I'm curently and tecnicly insane and have a goal to become the frist b***h to rule the world or a part of it. I curently reside in the um fith or sixth ring of hell.I lost count years ago ha ha ha ha!!!! Oh!, I almost forgot I got out. Ta ta!!!

p.s. all thing are of fiction or reality you deside which is which.


Your crazy.

I agree with him!!

I think of myself more as....special. Then crazy.