
Rain-a-by's avatar

Last Login: 07/11/2024 6:44 pm

Registered: 07/22/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Location is only a restriction of the body, you can go wherever your mind wanders.

Occupation: I am currently a student, a sister, a daughter, a friend.

This is a beautiful dance

This is a cool dance

This is an interesting dance

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Taking off my clothes,

I guess I'll just jump right on into this and get it going. Hello, one and all, my name is Rain-a-by but you can just call me Rain. I am indeed female and I am currently what you would consider, based on age, a teen. This, of course, is only a stage in my life and I prefer to think that my maturity supersedes my actual age, which I’ve been told it does. Moving right along…

I am considered a very strange person by all who know since at times I can be very mature and insightful while at other times I can be childish and a bit of a ditz, but this is who I am and if someone has a problem with me being me, then I guess we’ll have no business in communicating in the near future or ever in the future. This is a very mild and less-then-obvious warning to all of you out there who like to flame other’s simply because they are different. Believe me, I don’t care what you think but I will not hesitate to bite back when provoked.

I’m a very literate person and I enjoy role-playing immensely. I love to write stories and I have a very big imagination filled with many creative ideas for plots and characters and I look forward to using these here on Gaia. I am also an actress, being on stage is my life and I hope to pursue it as a career, though I will go to collage and get a degree in acting so that I may teach it later on in life as well. I am also obsessed with dance, but I am, unfortunately, horrible at it so I am condemned to admire it from afar.

All of which you have read barely scratches the real surface of me and who I am, but in order to dive deeper you must become a very good friend, for only those whom I deem worthy of my friendship because they are a good friend in return will ever know the real me.

Thank you for visiting my profile, and even if you haven’t bothered to read this, I still give you all a warm welcome!


Just to bare by naked soul.

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For the hell of it...

Whatever I feel like putting here will be put here... which probably won't be much. -.-;

These are our secrets you can never tell.

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Alice_Blackburn Report | 06/02/2017 9:59 pm
Love your avi!
Basil-tofu Report | 04/01/2016 6:23 pm
BTW, I'll get you a reply soon! Just less time for writing than usual because.... the big conference I'm planning is coming up in May!! D: There's so much left to do, but I'm getting super excited!
Basil-tofu Report | 03/26/2016 8:53 pm
Well it worked out well in the end. That's what made us take our characters and turn them into a 1x1, wasn't it? More or less, at least.

Also, a few minutes early, but Happy Easter!
Basil-tofu Report | 03/22/2016 7:19 pm
I don't even remember there being time for any actual fights... were the boss people NPCs? I think you joined first, so you probably saw more than I did. All I really remember is just you and me doing our own thing with our characters, since no one else would do anything with us.
Basil-tofu Report | 03/22/2016 4:19 pm
Ah, bummer. Lost forever then. Remember how there was that really weird dynamic with the thread admin?
Basil-tofu Report | 03/22/2016 9:06 am
Do you still have any saved from way back when we were in that first multi-player rp? I've been looking all over, but I don't think I saved anything from then.
Basil-tofu Report | 03/18/2016 11:14 am
Haha, sounds like we both wen on a nostalgia binge at the same time! I'd forgotten I saved so many rp replies. They definitely feel differently now than when I wrote them. They're actually a lot of fun to read through.
Basil-tofu Report | 03/17/2016 4:19 pm
It is! It brought a smile to my face. XD And it's fun to go back and read all the profile comments from way back when that I've forgotten all about.
Basil-tofu Report | 03/17/2016 12:45 pm
Wow, I haven't gotten a profile comment in AGES! XD How cool! And I'm so glad it amused you! I half-thought no one would even notice it. :3
Bluevamp7275 Report | 11/20/2015 12:34 pm
thank u 4 buying at my store
hope u like it n enjoy it
hope to see u again soon cat_smile


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Chive It Up

I watch you walk on a summer's day and in you're arms my heart will stay.

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