Ragrak Khan

Ragrak Khan's avatar

Gender: Male

Location: Everywhere

Birthday: 09/13

Occupation: Being Awesome


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I'm a sadistic b*****d, who only signed up for this cause I'm bored and stuck in the house for a few hours, I enjoy drinking, smoking, and chatting up strangers, my entire social life is centred around bars and clubs ... yeah I know how sad is that?

I fall for people far too easily and find it hard to let people go after they're gone, I enjoy the fact that depending on how well people know me they assume different things about my personality, I've been described as everything from frigid to a player, from shy to extrovert, effeminate and masculine, retarded and genius.

I fence, play badminton, football and basketball, I cycle, jog, swim and Ice Skate. I drink and smoke too much, eat and sleep too little

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aaaaaa666 Report | 07/23/2010 2:52 pm
Gowers, you sexy beast !


I am a Genius, I could Explain, but you would not understand.


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