newbie. my young grand daughter is using this site and showed me how she earns points. but her aquarium just has fish. how does one add music? Or upload or share favorite videos from u tube. or is that not allowed. We both we learning to draw on utube from Manga lessons ...learn to draw girl line by line and another by Niki Falls creator. It was fun. I am trying to learn her site. She had "friends" one of which was a 23 year old who she said she had chatted with and he was nice. I am concerned about her privacy. She is seven and told all this. I went in with her and made some settings but she didn't want to limit her browsing to just friends.
So How does one add music? How should young chidren set up their accts so no perverts find them. She told me someone had changed her outfit on her avatar. So someone has her password. She wouln't give me her password. When she left her site, all she had done was still on my computer, ie it was left logged on in History. So I showed her how to log off if she is not using her own home computer. She has a friend age 11 who told her about the site. I would like to belong to art and writing forums but can't figure out how to enter simple writing contest. supposedly a picture is put up on sunday and one writes about it. I couldn't find anywher to click on current contest. There was a box view blocked images. what is this. i unchecked it and image was of a sexy girl in red dress. It didn't say it was the contest photo. Should a 7 year old not view blocked images. what are they??? thanks for any help.
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So How does one add music? How should young chidren set up their accts so no perverts find them. She told me someone had changed her outfit on her avatar. So someone has her password. She wouln't give me her password. When she left her site, all she had done was still on my computer, ie it was left logged on in History. So I showed her how to log off if she is not using her own home computer. She has a friend age 11 who told her about the site. I would like to belong to art and writing forums but can't figure out how to enter simple writing contest. supposedly a picture is put up on sunday and one writes about it. I couldn't find anywher to click on current contest. There was a box view blocked images. what is this. i unchecked it and image was of a sexy girl in red dress. It didn't say it was the contest photo. Should a 7 year old not view blocked images. what are they??? thanks for any help.
how r u?