
I have decided to reinstate PMs. Comments are still limited to friends only. If you have something to say, please PM me. I will not accept friend requests from anyone who has not written me a detailed PM on why I should be their friend and/or who do not have a lucrative profile. I put a lot of effort into mine (which I hope is readily apparent at first glance--there's a LOT of typing here) and I expect my friends to do the same. If you happen to think that you know me personally, please state your name and how it is that you know me in your PM so that I can try and see if I recognize you. Please type in as clear a level of English as you are capable, I may very well judge the possibility of our being friends on your communication skills. Thank you.

Due to a some VERY petty, VERY annoying people who don't seem to know how to leave a girl alone, I have to temporarily stop all comment posts & PMs from anyone who is NOT a friend so that there aren't rude comments on my profile.

By the way, I'm telling ALL OF YOU RIGHT NOW, I HATE Wiccans. I respect their right to practice the way that they choose--I do NOT respect the way they disrespect me for not practicing the way that they choose. If you are Wiccan but can keep your dogma to yourself, I might be OK with you, just don't shove it in my face, I'll just end up giving you a burn you can't recover from... Also, you'll happily be added to my "Annoy These People" list below.

I am NOT going to explain myself futher, but that is what started the whole thing and it is for this reason that I ask you to LEAVE MY PAGE IMMEDIATELY so that I may avoid further expanding my iggy list. I like to be nice to people, but if you try to PM me or send me any kind of hatemail or whatever, I will do my best to make you miserable for ever bothering me in the first place so please leave me alone. I get on GAIA to relax and enjoy myself, not to be pestered with infuriating messages.

Feel free to spam the living
hell out of the following people:

The Love Turtle
Galadedrid Damodred

This list will continue to grow as people continue to piss me off.
I'm sorry I even need to HAVE a list like this. It makes me shed a tear at the state of the fools in this world...

I'm fond of many things.

I'm young, I'm fun, and I try to enjoy life. I'm a Japanese major who intends to minor in asian studies when she enters university. I'm also an artist so I'll be going to 2 schools at once! *phew*

I'm known to burn the candle at both ends, but it often ends with me completely worn out. I'm not a huge partier, but I can talk your ear off about a book or video game!

I love everything Japanese, but have some difficulties with the people at times. I'm in my 4th college-level semester of Japanese and intend to take Korean next. Mandarin I will tackle last.

So if you like books, movies, video games, fish, or any of the many other things I have referenced in my interest tags, send me a message--I love to make new friends!

I know my wishlist is kinda long, but I'm just getting started here and I really want to leave an impression. (You'll see the theme for my profile change often if you pay enough mind to it... I don't have the skill to code my own and I'm not happy with the one's I've found so far... They are all lacking for something...) Also, I'm a little like a cat--I get bored easily--so I like to change things up frequently so that I don't get bored. I'll happily accept any gifts of items, gold etc in the quest for every super-cool thing on my list! Thank you for your kind donation!

Here are some avatar outfits I'd like to create--feel free to donate any of the items listed. Links to most, if not all, of these things are listed in rounds my wishlist to the left--as I buy or receive items, I will change the list, so if you're really interested in helping, check often:

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Item List:
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Dead Sexy Stone Skull Pin
Drop Dead Gorgeous Skull Earrings
Drop Dead Gorgeous Skull Hairpin
Drop Dead Gorgeous Stone Skull Choker
Elftech Gloves
G-LOL Dark Dollie Shoes
G-LOL Dark Dollie Skirt
G-LOL Dark Dollie Socks
G-LOL Dark Dollie Top
Missy Pearl Ribbon
Nitemare Bustier

Estimated Total: 525,811 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 02 January 2007)

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Item List:
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Drop Dead Gorgeous Onyx Skull Choker
G-LOL Dark Mistress Boots
G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
G-LOL Dark Mistress Stockings
G-LOL Dark Mistress Top
Lunar Cloak
Lunar Cowl
Mini Nitemare Wings

Estimated Total: 24,203,690 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 02 January 2007)

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Item List:
G9 Laptop
Gardenia Vintage Town Coat
KiKi Kitty Plushie
Pearl Earrings
Pearl Necklace
Pink Ribbon Skirt
Red Ruffled Top
Soft Pink Underwear
Thick Pink Winter Socks
Victorian Rose Clog

Estimated Total: 290,400 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 17 January 2007)

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Item List:
Felicia's Graceful Shoes
Grey University Skirt
Grey University Uniform Top
Heart Shaped Box of Sweets
Mochi the Puppy
Soft Black Underwear
Sweetheart Gold Earrings
Sweetheart Gold Pendant

Estimated Total: 41,100 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 17 January 2007)



Viewing 10 of 12 comments.


Report | 01/22/2008 8:08 pm


bunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnie found you ^^. I just got on so I'm still pretty new at this haha XD jsut wanted to say hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii how you beeen? I've been quite busy haha =p. mainly taking care of family matter so yeah. I hope you are doing well. Miss you sweetie ^^. you take care now . and you looking lovely like always XDDDDDDD
Pocket Bunny Cupcakes

Report | 05/24/2007 1:44 pm

Pocket Bunny Cupcakes

Nope, it's actually Shiny Toy Guns.
Shayla-Cupcake Goddess

Report | 04/30/2007 4:19 pm

Shayla-Cupcake Goddess

The band is called Le Disko I think, but I'm not exactly sure...
Aymuia Rose

Report | 04/11/2007 5:15 pm

Aymuia Rose

cool video who's the band though
Aymuia Rose

Report | 03/26/2007 10:47 am

Aymuia Rose

hey wasup how have u been
Aymuia Rose

Report | 02/09/2007 10:11 pm

Aymuia Rose

hey girl i respect what you say up there about the wiccan situtiaion .
Princess of Insomnia

Report | 02/05/2007 3:01 pm

Princess of Insomnia

Oh! My text is black! Sorry. I read your comment wrong. xd I'm not the one who made the layout. I found it on Tektek. But if you know a good font color I could use, by all means please share with me the code.
Princess of Insomnia

Report | 02/05/2007 2:56 pm

Princess of Insomnia

Thank you for the comment! My text is blank? Ugh. I don't see what you talking about? confused
Royal Dank

Report | 01/31/2007 5:57 pm

Royal Dank

Hi love! Just thought i should comment on your page, being your boyfriend and all!

Report | 01/29/2007 2:06 am


Wow, thank you! (What exactly did I say again? I know it was well thought-out, but I can't remember it for the LIFE of me!)


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