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Quirky Nurse Mystic's avatar

Birthday: 04/01

My bloggies.

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I post stuff about my life and stuff here so yeah. :3

This is my little description thingy.

Hahahaha! Huwah! Ha! Um...Hi! My name is Mystic! I am a nurse at Hospital Aches! I see lots of blood there...isn't that funny? HAHAHA! Well...there's something sparkly at the corner of my eye. Gotta go see it now! Bye!
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
whee xp mrgreen

say something! anything! something funny especially!

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RavenDarknessAtarashi Report | 07/19/2012 1:15 pm
It seems like an attention thing. O__o But idk, serious or not she needs mental help.
Wolf McWolferson Report | 06/21/2012 11:00 pm
Wolf McWolferson
Lovely Nurse Mona Report | 06/20/2012 5:07 pm
Lovely Nurse Mona
I figured you'd like the hat here:
Esteemed Doctor Argous Report | 06/19/2012 6:01 pm
Esteemed Doctor Argous
Yes, you're like a magical girl. Why does that excite you so much?
Lovely Nurse Mona Report | 03/02/2012 7:11 pm
Lovely Nurse Mona
Quirky Nurse Mystic Report | 02/16/2012 8:16 pm
Quirky Nurse Mystic
Die Knochenblume Report | 02/05/2012 1:41 pm
Die Knochenblume
Thank you. yum_strawberry
Sexy Nurse Marone Report | 02/05/2012 1:25 pm
Sexy Nurse Marone
I know you're not gay. lol. I'm straight too but once again I'm pretty bi-curious and I'm willing to party with anyone of age.
LyRoia Report | 02/05/2012 12:45 pm
Thx blaugh
Sexy Nurse Marone Report | 01/31/2012 9:10 pm
Sexy Nurse Marone
I don't know if I answered that question already but I'm too old to like cartoon erotics. Doing it with someone for real makes you immune to that stuff I think. But I'm into girls sometimes but just for fun. Why ask?

I love anime! 8D