Quiet Feather

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Birthday: 04/25


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Gakusangi Report | 04/27/2010 9:46 pm
Whoops...two days late ^^;

Gakusangi Report | 04/27/2010 9:45 pm
Happy birthday ^_^
F is for Far Report | 12/07/2009 8:34 pm
F is for Far
Far blinked, and tilted his head curiously - leaning in closer to Feather's face...maybe a little closer than she would have been comfortable with.

"You seem...'lost'..." Far commented. "Like something confuses you...Have you ever done this before?"
F is for Far Report | 12/05/2009 9:28 pm
F is for Far
Far's face lit up like a kid in a candy store. He almost seemed like he was going to jump for joy, or something, but he managed to contain himself, and merely clap his hands a little.

"Yes...I have a new friend..." Far said happily. "And she's most interesting to talk to...We certainly do make a pair, don't we..."
F is for Far Report | 12/04/2009 4:31 pm
F is for Far
"...Want to be?" Far seemed confused. "You mean...we're not already?"
F is for Far Report | 12/01/2009 10:58 pm
F is for Far
"I didn't intend to imply that your discomfort was a 'delight'..." Far replied gently. "Only that 'meeting' you, and speaking with you was a true 'delight'...I find your company refreshing, and I'm very happy to count you among my friends..."

He offered another of his odd little smiles to her.
F is for Far Report | 11/30/2009 4:49 pm
F is for Far
"Very intriguing..." He hummed, his lifeless, yet somehow still animate eyes glinting a bit. "I must say that I've heard of such abilities, but mostly only in sci-fi movies, and such...to actually be present during such an event is rather...'interesting'...but then again, I already knew that you would be unique, and I must say, so far...I haven't yet regreted my decision to interact with you...you have been an absolute delight..."

He giggled a bit.

"I promise that I'll keep physical contact to an absolute minimum for you comfort." He told her. "But I simply 'must' spend more time with you when we have a free moment to do so..."
F is for Far Report | 11/25/2009 3:43 am
F is for Far
Far shook his head, and offered her a smile.

"It was never about 'helping' me..." He assured her. "That ship has sailed...it was more out of curiosity...you apparently didn't 'see' the whole story, but I was surprised at what such a minute amount of contact actually managed to bring out..."

His eyes glittered a bit as his smile broadened.

"I mean...it 'was' the contact that provoked it...right?" He asked.
F is for Far Report | 11/22/2009 3:43 am
F is for Far
Of all things, it was now 'Far' who seemed suddenly uncomfortable - finally breaking eye contact with her. He blinked once, and sighed.

"...You said, that he was scared, and that he couldn't stop looking at the door..." Far said blankly. "That his hands were frozen, and that he couldn't cover his ears to block out the sounds...you said that the door was kicked open, and that someone came inside with murderous intent...I just wanted know if...if you saw who it was...that's all..."
F is for Far Report | 11/20/2009 2:00 pm
F is for Far
He smiled in that odd way of his again, and ran his thumb over the tips of his fingers rapidly.

"...You talked a bit while you were...having your 'fit'..." The boy told her. "I was just wondering...did you 'see' who was in the doorway?"



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