Name: Zhypr Crown
Age: 16
Alias: Pykyu
Occupation: Guardian
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 129 lbs.
Eye Colour: Gold
Hair Colour: Silver
Enability: Telekinesis; Speed Faster than Sound; Superior Knowledge in every Subject; Complete Control Over Time
Biography to Date: Zhypr Crown was born in an unknown land. He hasn't even learned where it is, nor what it is called. Orphaned at the age of 2, his parents died fighting with the Revolution against the King of this unknown land.
He was trained by his Aunt, a professional marksman. She wasn't used to physical combat, but she had managed to train him more than efficiently. However, one day, Zhypr went berserk. He accidentally killed two soldiers working in the Overlord's Guard. His Aunt was executed, and Zhypr was sentenced, but he managed to escape. He ran away to live on the streets.
A man found him and saw his purely Golden eyes... he gave him an odd comment, that... though he had never heard before... he recognized instantly. He responded with what would be considered "a correct answer". The man gave him a Metallic Suit, of which he can summon and dispel at will. The Metallic Suit, known as DASH gear, was a unique one that was not of that world. It gave the wearer a boost in speed and strength. Zhypr, however, has found he no longer needs the suit and has removed it for eternity.
Zhypr learned to control his fluctuating emotions. He now serves the Guardians... an Elite group of people who have/will be(en) assigned to protect a single soul from any harm or danger. Zhypr has not been assigned his Target yet, and must wait until he is 18 to be assigned him/her.
Allies: (none)
Enemies: (none)
Likes: Electronics, Weddings, Fruits, Vegetables, Light, Speed, Jokes, Sarcasm, Friendships
Dislikes: Fighting, Moving Slowly
Weapon(s) of Choice: Dual G Blades, Darkness Star (in case a longranged attack is needed)
I am friendly...
I am interesting...
My family history was horrendous...
I am hard to notice...
I am Zhypr Crown.
But the question is... Who are you?
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