Pure Ego

Pure Ego's avatar

Registered: 10/13/2007

Gender: Female

Location: where ever here is

Birthday: 03/05/1992

Occupation: post-human

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And he waits....or rather his soul waits for his name to be called....for ones soul is liberated...only when ones name is called for the last time.....when your essence is finally erased from this plane.....only then can you move forward.....

ask away.............. ive nothing to hide......

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songs to keep us from wasting away


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Xenophobiczebras Report | 08/18/2012 7:51 am
The closest thing to hunting I do is clam digging, but I can't right now... red tide... hurray. I live in the city, ho-hum. I would like to hear your song.
Xenophobiczebras Report | 08/12/2012 6:57 pm
Eh... not a whole lot... I'v been bored. Nothing is going on around here...
Xenophobiczebras Report | 07/28/2012 8:42 pm
Hey face, whats up?
Xenophobiczebras Report | 05/05/2012 9:11 pm
Your avatar looks like the whole cast of cats got run over by a lawn mower. cat_lol
Doctor Sir Report | 04/02/2012 1:49 pm
Doctor Sir
It was what I was raised on,
So I enjoy It.

But Your Video..
Was Very Refreshing To Listen To.
Doctor Sir Report | 04/02/2012 1:36 pm
Doctor Sir
Beautiful Video.
Xenophobiczebras Report | 04/01/2012 8:08 am
I simply meant you where not acting like you, without a smart a** remark to my insult.
Xenophobiczebras Report | 03/30/2012 4:26 pm
Who are you? No quip for me? I am disappointed. And a picture of me? Oh my, no. No, no, you don't want to see my ugly mug. In truth I am a 400lb man who sits at the computer all day, there, I said it. So sad you had to find out this way.
Xenophobiczebras Report | 03/29/2012 3:43 pm
Oh, I forgot to mention, your new avi makes my eyes bleed. I thought that might please you. Seriously, it's hideous.
Xenophobiczebras Report | 03/29/2012 3:42 pm
Hey face, whats up. Noticed you on my profile, checking in?


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