well im a punk rocker and lovin it....i am random and partially insane (well at least thats wat my theripest tells me) i m more of a loner than a people person so dont be offened if i dont like u...i dont like LOTS of people....i m a geek and a art freak but thats who i am so get over it....u dont wanna mess with me...i hav a temper issue...and trust me combat boots hurt alot more than flip flops.....most preps annoy me but some r ok.....some people just need to get a life or get over themselves.....i m a freak and i love it so if u dont like me well i dont care but if u do u r officially my new bestest friend =]=]=]=] (my theripest also thinks i mite b bipolar)

eyes on fire,
the lies come out
and the truth in hiding,
has found its way again.