I smoke weed. If you cannot already tell. I'm a girl, not ugly or fat. I have a wonderful boyfriend named Tyson. I play a lot of first person shooters. I love all animals. Picking a favorite wouldn't be possible for me. Anything alse you would like to know, PM me and ask. biggrin
haha thanks? XD
well I'm not pissed just....hmmmm...wasn't sure when we would...but I gues it makes sense to since we'll be alone tomorrow....
I know he's just trying to get opinions. we're both very indecisive people XD
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appreciated :3
but don't disappear sad das so sad....
well I'm not pissed just....hmmmm...wasn't sure when we would...but I gues it makes sense to since we'll be alone tomorrow....
I know he's just trying to get opinions. we're both very indecisive people XD
well I mean....haha um....hmmm
wow >///<
im nervous!!!!
okie XD das very interesting
oh dear XD