
Psychedelic_Rebel's avatar

Last Login: 11/22/2015 9:26 am

Registered: 03/07/2008

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Name: Laiwen

Words: Art, talking, energy, reiki, love, knowledge, books, nature, grass, trees, bark, Dagorhir - fighting-not-for-real, archery, elf ears, green eyes in a mirror, blue eyes looking into mine, roses, daydreams of Allistair - Dragon Age - Cullen - Solas - Lavellan.

Colored pencils, learning to give things away, fruit, vegetarian, vegan, organic, Ohio, cold, hot, friends, school, college student, art education, teaching, students, theater, backdrops, zombie plays written by kids that kind of make sense.

Love, understanding, healing, growing green things, fall leaves, sunflowers, stained glass windows in places that feel familiar. But not the Chantry.

Smell of incense, hands connected bound in a circle, pentagrams, crosses, some things make sense.

My return to a place where once, I could express myself, escape from parental repression. But now, I am no longer a teenager. Some things have changed, but some remain the same.

Words being typed on a keyboard and then appearing on screens miles away from the mind that strung them together.

Connection, things that make sense.

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View All Comments

grandpuff Report | 11/22/2015 1:27 pm
Yesss I have been for about 4 months now. Discovering a lot about my body though, I'm now a gluten free vegan emotion_facepalm
We can swap recipes 4laugh
Denso Report | 05/28/2011 6:03 am
Thank you and yours is cute hehe User Image
Jaclynns_Heart Report | 04/19/2011 6:11 pm
I've been pretty good. Getting pretty good grades and my art is improving. I missed you, dearest. How are you?
Jaclynns_Heart Report | 04/19/2011 6:08 pm
OMG my Carys! *Hugs*
ettxrebel2579 Report | 06/17/2010 3:08 pm
thanx so much for buying from me. please stop by and shop again any time. have a good day.
Denso Report | 03/14/2010 3:31 pm
Hi hiiiiiii A happy Birthday to you blaugh
Jaclynns_Heart Report | 01/21/2010 5:43 pm
She lives!!!! Lolz I missed u. How's east? wink
fvgfgfdvvc Report | 01/16/2010 4:55 pm
haha awhh i feel bad. but dont i have exactly 655 gold. and ive done so many puzzles it feels like O.O
but thanks anyways biggrin D
fvgfgfdvvc Report | 01/09/2010 5:50 pm
its awesome! but obviously i'm having trouble getting gold/getting used to everything. ha
Hikari no Tenshi 94 Report | 01/05/2010 7:33 pm
Hikari no Tenshi 94
Hello there my crazy blonde friend!
I miss you like cuh-rayzee ^----^
Not getting into anymore trouble, are you?
I have some really big stuff we should talk about, so you should pm me whenever you get on lol.
Or actually... you could call me, but I got a new cell >.> not the same number... I'll call you one of these days lmfao.
I love you sissy ^-^

