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[ Oui, je parle couramment le français. Discuter avec moi! <3 ]

[ IRL Sey cosplay! ]

"Finis Coronat Opus"
The End Crowns The Work.

--> Ok, so you represent a nation, right?. Please, introduce yourself and your country.

Je suis Seychelles! .:-grins-:.
And say it correctly, it's pronounced "say-shel"!

--> When is your birthday? What happened that day?

29 June 1976. Freedom from Eyebrows. .:-chuckle-:. ~

--> The world is a big family, could you tell me about your parents, siblings or any other related nations?

Francis and Arthur are the two who were in charge of me when I was little~ and so, Canada, America, Sealand, Hong Kong .... they count as siblings, right?

--> You don't look very old, but tell me, how old are you?

Never ask a lady her age, that's so rude! .:-huff-:.
Well, I'm not that old at all, anyway! J-Just over 500 years.. I'm turning 508 this month!

--> How many languages do you speak? What's the official one in your home? Do you have a special accent?

Seychellois Creole, English and French are the official languages, so there are a lot of different accents that come out of here. I assure you it's a very pleasant voice to hear, in any language!~~

--> Being invaded is something countries had suffered at least once, who did invade you?

Arthur and Francis fought over me for a loooong time, but then Britain finally won over. I'm still French, though. >: l S-Stupid Eyebrows..

[ Since Seychelles doesn't have an official human name, I made one up: Madeline Prideaux. Please use it if you would like~ <3 ]
Princess Fishie
