Prince Malice44

Prince Malice44's avatar

Birthday: 03/27


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My bitchin playlist!

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I'm a fighter

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Friends r famliy. Family r ur own. U protect ur own. Thats my motto. I have a total of 11 bothers. 8 share my dads blood wif me, the rest r my best friends, John, Josh, and Cory. I have 2 lil sis's, my other best friends that live in Seattle, Kelsey and Caitlinn. I come from a really disfunctional family, my mom was 16 when she had me, my dad was a Hell's Angel, he taught my 8 older bros how to live life by teaching them how to make meth, deal drugs, hot wire cars, shoot guns, fight, and so on. And of course my bros taught me this too. I had to be tough. My bros fought all the time. My eldest bro broke both my legs for playin wif sumpin of his once.... Away, i'm a natural born fighter (so my bros say). I taught that i need to protect my bros from anything, even if i wasnt gonna live.... They beat me to make me tougher cuz they luv me. they made me work out for 8 hours at a time cuz they luv me. that way we can all protect each other. now that they have all gone to big cities and became bloods, i use my stength and fighting abilitiy to protect Kelsey, Caitlinn, John, Josh, and Cory. Mainly Caitlinn,and John. I really dont need to worry bout josh and cory though, they can take care of themselves.Kelsey is responseible enough to not get her self in as much trouble as rest of us(she the one that is almost always gettin me outta of trouble). I worry about john cuz, to tell u the truth, wif out john(and his family, but mostly john) i'd be dead in an alley from bein jumped by now...I owe him a life debt. I worry bout Caitlinn cuz, shes a good girl and i luv her very much but she dates scum bags.... She dates people like me so i usaually have beat the s**t out of em and get her to break up wif them.... No one that she has dated is good enough for her yet... if anything ever happen to her, i dunno wat i'd do.It drives me ******** nuts that i cant be protecting my friends here, and the ones in Seattle. Just a note, if u ever hurt my lil sisters, i will punch a hole thru ur chest, ever TRY to hurt my bros (any of them), we'll jump ur a**, wif me n my seige hammer, and trust me, i only use my hammer when i'm really pissed. I hate my mom. My dad left when i was born. Thats my family(or most of it anyways). About me, well..... i have an expolsive anger disorder so u really dont want ot ******** wif me. I love to fight and get stronger(lift weights, jog, push-ups, sit-ups, etc.). I wrestle and box. i almost never (happy now john, i said almost never, not never) cry. I deal wif my problems by gettin angry, not sad. Almost all problems can be solved by a swift kick in the a**. I resercher swords and have an unnatural obession wif guns. I love to work on cars. I love to drag race. I like to go to the stock car races. I like to drink and i have the ocassional puff from a pot pipe, so wat? I'd much rather do that then be a goodie two-shoes.... I luv my extended family very much and i'd give my life to every one of them.


View All Comments

X-SedatedAngel-X Report | 04/02/2009 4:41 pm
woah, he he. Whats up? Hows it going? Hope your doing well!
L-chan likes cake Report | 01/30/2009 7:28 pm
L-chan likes cake I even want to know? I seriously need to slap some sense into you!

Whose Terry?o.o
Raeka_eggo Report | 09/21/2008 4:57 pm
Raeka_eggo Report | 09/20/2008 7:30 am
thats So cool, thnx
Raeka_eggo Report | 09/19/2008 8:27 pm
Cool, can you take tatts of your avi? or are they permiment?
Music = live = <3
Raeka_eggo Report | 09/19/2008 4:18 pm
Thanks for buying the RED INK i will have more for sale soon. If you don't mind my asking what you use your ink for, i'd love to know =]
btw: nice playlist
Wendy_Angel Report | 09/11/2008 6:26 am
Hey thanks for accepting my friend request smile
L-chan likes cake Report | 09/10/2008 4:46 pm
L-chan likes cake
How inappropriate.
L-chan likes cake Report | 09/10/2008 4:41 pm
L-chan likes cake
Look it up.

Do work,son.

L-chan likes cake Report | 09/05/2008 5:09 pm
L-chan likes cake
I resent that!



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My kewl playlist!

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