I'm a 18 year old who lives in Massachusetts. I'm fairly emotional and talkative. I'm shy in real life but you'll find I talk ALOT online X.xIf you wanna talk to me you can usually find me In the kiki puzzle server In a room of my name so c'mon cuz i like doing puzzles wit' you! XD
I LOVE to read books and i LOVE to find new good music so if you have good music for gods sakes tell me about it cuz my playlist is always changing and i want YOUR music in it! =D
I try to be completely open about everything except my exact location and my last name, so if you have ANY question AT ALL please ask It cuz I love to talk and It gives me an excuse to. XD
I don't believe in god but I will make jokes about him ASSUMING that if he does exist he WOULDN'T be a baby about it, and you shouldn't either. If god doesn't care then neither should you.
I unfortunately have been struggling with anger issues and depression since I was a little kid but I have It mostly under control; and both of those things combined are bad for me cuz when I get sad I get mad as a defensive thing and then when I'm done being mad I get sad that I got so mad >..<
My mom and dad got married and divorced twice and now i only see him about once a month but I don't mind. (even though I miss him sometimes)
My friends are mostly ok ppl except when I get mad or sad cuz they like to poke at me emotionally =_= and I hate that.
I got a cat awhile back and she is the sweetest thing ever in the world (besides my GF) she was a stray so she had a broken rib and she had worms and she was really thin and weak; but now we got rid of her worms and she's much stronger and now she loves to run around the house. ^-^ So cute. We also got a new black cat who likes to playfully whack at the first kitty. XP He's such a scamp. Lol. I love 'im though.
I have 7 siblings most of which I don't see at all anymore. <=( Three boys and four girls which including me makes 4 boys and 4 girls, one younger sister and two younger brothers and one older bro and 3 older sisters; and they are mostly half siblings, I have two older half sisters from my dad and one older half sister from my mom and one younger half bro from my dad and one older half bro from my mom and then I have one younger full sister and one younger full brother, the brother I love the most of all my siblings and we get along well.
*sigh* well I dunno what else I can say about myself so I guess this is the end XD hope to talk to you sometime! ^-^
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