Hi my name is AJ i like poptarts im christain i get bored easily im getting less fat i have personal problems right now that i have to deal with till linkmm replies and I HATE CONNOR LUDWIG i was supposed to fight him but he left early and he goes to school next day then tells ppl that i wussed out no that not personal problem no one really knows my problems but i their coming back to get me =[ so idk but either way poptarts will never go out of stock and obito is tobi i made a post a little while ago on 6/29/10 went back like half and hour later and it already got 26 replies lol and it was about how tobi is obito XD gf noobs!!!I know its nerdy but its to get my mind of off thing but i play dungeons and dragons =]
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Have a good birthday, have a good time, and God Bless.