I am The Gaurdian

pnkrathrt's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Beaumont, California

Birthday: 07/30/1991

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About The Gaurdian

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I have weird habbits and strange ways of going about things, like i usually dont think about taking shortcuts(unless
im walking or something) i ussually take the longest way possible XD
Im a little hard to predict, but wuts for shur is this:
im a proud atheist
im very lazy
I think the Coka Cola Company is suckish and lame, so i hve a 1 member boycotte in process that is and has bin going strong for about 2 years now,
My Chemical Romance is my favorite band for many reasons and they will remain so until the day my presence on this
pathetic exuse for a planet parishes from existence,
Im a computer and math nerd to some extent(i suck with bb code though x]),
I live to joke around
I will always try and find something funny to say in any situation
but most of the time it just comes out...
My friends, although i take them for granted every day, are so important to me and my survival
Music is mi life because it always brightens my mood and well, theres just so much of it to go around! and mi mother keeps me from having a real life.
I love the rain, i could be having the worlds most monumentally crappy day and i'll be the happiest girl on the face of the earth as
long as its raining,
I love to draw and yes, write poetry(emo ,i know) ..... its not the best but it gives me something to do.
My most recent project is my "BubbleRoBoTo Wall of Confusion" which is just u bunch of drawing of BubbleRoBoTo getting confused about a bunch of stuff! XD its more interesting than paying attention to mi retards for math teachers
and ya thats all you really need to know about me....
if you wanna kno nething else just ask..... i guess

I get bored really easily so if you're bored talk 2 me! i'll talk 2 anyone!

Dream Avis
