pisces mya

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Last Login: 05/13/2010 5:19 am

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/22


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Trouble Child by Joni Mitchell

Up in a sterilized room
Where they let you be lazy
Knowing your attitude's all wrong
And you got to change
And that's not easy
Dragon shining with all values known
Dazzling you- keeping you from your own
Where is the lion in you to defy him
When you're this weak
And this spacey . . .

So what are you going to do about it
You can't live life and you can't leave it
Advice and religion- you can't take it
You can't seem to believe it
The peacock is afraid to parade
You're under the thumb of the maid
You really can't give love in this condition
Still you know how you need it

They open and close you
Then they talk like they know you
They don't know you
They're friends and they're foes too
Trouble child
Breaking like the waves at Malibu

So why does it come as such a shock
To know you really have no one
Only a river of changing faces
Looking for an ocean
They trickle through your leaky plans
Another dream over the dam
And you're lying in some room
Feeling like your right to be human
Is going over too

Well some are going to knock you
And some'll try an' clock you
You know it's really hard to
Talk sense to you
Trouble child
Breaking like the waves at Malibu


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Goddess of Alcohol Report | 03/18/2009 9:34 pm
Goddess of Alcohol
That is so funny! I'm glad you like the hoodie. I remember pttie training my kids. oh, what a joy THAT was! lol
As for the centaur potion, you have to buy a human potion to turn back. I drank something that turned me blue once. It took me a while to figure it out. You can even choose what COLOR you are! See ya son, I hope!
Goddess of Alcohol Report | 03/14/2009 2:44 pm
Goddess of Alcohol
Long time, no "see"! How you been? Hope you're beter! Me and the hubby both had the creeping crud! Getting better now, tho! YAY!!! I wqas soooo sick!!! It's really nasty whatever it was!
Wile~E.~Coyote Report | 03/05/2009 10:48 pm
Well I hope you like the change of outfit. Unfornately there was no purple Butterfly thingy so I whent with Green with that "Extra special" dash of Purple
Wile~E.~Coyote Report | 02/15/2009 8:18 am
Sorry to hear about your hand and all that. But at least it gives you a break from WoW LoL Thinking about takeing one as well LoL
Goddess of Alcohol Report | 02/15/2009 8:08 am
Goddess of Alcohol
So sorry to hear about the sad Valentine's Day "present"! Dang! Broke your wrist?! Wow!! And here I was thinking MY Valentine's Day sucked! Fighting with the hubby, who didn't do ONE SINGLE THING for me!!! (grrr...) and then working till 2 in the a.m.! Oh, well, he got to spend the day with HIS Valentine- his buddy, Pat! Anyway, it's off to work again this moring at the Lodge! I'm selling 100 proof jello shots during the Daytona 500!!! Woo -hoo! NASCAR's back bay-bee!!!
Goddess of Alcohol Report | 02/13/2009 12:45 pm
Goddess of Alcohol
It's been so stinkin' cold out here! Even the SUNNY days are cold! I AM SO READY FOR WINTER TO BE OVER!!!
Wile~E.~Coyote Report | 02/11/2009 4:13 am
Na most of them are from the daily chance LoL. But yeah the last batch did die off LoL. I was waiting for them to kick the bucket LoL
Goddess of Alcohol Report | 01/30/2009 11:15 pm
Goddess of Alcohol
Too funny! Is that the ghost of Elvis??? LMAO
Wile~E.~Coyote Report | 01/16/2009 4:17 am
Nice new Fishy you have there Mya. Kewlie looking and it already really likes you too!!! LoL Well back to being me for a bit longer before death takes me away to show me what could of been and bring me back to what is.
Goddess of Alcohol Report | 01/03/2009 9:20 am
Goddess of Alcohol
Thanks for the warmth! Snow is already starting to melt! Now, we just have a bunch of flooding. Whatcha gonna do, tho? It won't just evaporate, ya know. Oh, well. But hey, it's above freezing! smile YAY!!!!

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