
~pinky-onigiri~'s avatar

Last Login: 07/04/2021 2:45 am

Registered: 09/01/2006

Gender: Female

Location: New Zealand


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Hey Everybody! Onigiri here.
Just writing a little about myself. I'm from a small city in New Zealand. Currently I'm studying away from home at Otago University, the best place in the world ( << biased opinion). I have big plans to become a doctor and travel all around the world, possibly join the NZ army even. Well, maybe not the last one, but it's always a possibility if I don't get into Med after a few tries. I love playing sports though I don't enjoy watching them as much and I love trying out new things. This year I'm trying fencing. I've always wanted to play with a sword and I'm finding it really awesome!!! I also love dancing and singing and watching movies and reading books and learning new and interesting things and hanging out with friends and even people I don't know very well (you have too living in a hall of residence).



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SolarVampire Report | 12/20/2006 8:12 am
Hi ^^
SolarVampire Report | 10/12/2006 8:05 am
Hallo ^_^
A E 12 O Report | 09/28/2006 3:29 am
hey nice to be you friend. Yea i was your first friend
SolarVampire Report | 09/04/2006 4:38 am
Hihi when are you next online? And why don't you add some multimedia? Anyway, hihi and check out my profile ne XD
