
Don't scroll down to watch my YouTube vid unless you like shounen-ai or yaoi, since that's usually what I've got playing.

I'm known as Krys or Pink online.

I don't care enough right now to type up a big long description of myself. I'm not the same online as I am in RL anyway. So here's just a little something to give you an idea about who I am to people who want to know about the online me.

I'm what you'd call anti-social, reclusive...I don't get out much, and I'm just fine with that.

If you say "like" every other word, are overly moral/religious, or just flat out annoying, I'm not going to like you. Being female also tends to drop you into the "People Pink Dislikes" category. I generally don't get along with my own gender, in RL or online, but you might be special.

I enjoy yaoi, writing, roleplaying, playing Ragnarok Online, and junk-hunting, and photography.

Something to note...:
If you PM me asking why I'm a girl, yet enjoy RPing yaoi, prepare to be insulted. It's called "Google." Look it up.

Ragnarok Online Status: Quit. Not going back. Ever.

World of Warcraft Status: Meh...it changes too fast to keep up with. Currently, Hordeside on the Moon Guard server.


Pink's Roleplay Stuff

Bits and pieces of RPs, and character bios.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/08/2009 1:19 pm


*super late with this but*
Hope you're doing decently as well =)

Report | 04/24/2009 2:54 pm


Happy B-earlied B-day Krysanth =)

Report | 11/07/2008 6:20 pm


thaks 4 buying
Pink Cat Mint

Report | 03/01/2008 2:08 am

Pink Cat Mint

Ah, I never have any free time anymore. ._. At least Saturday is "Pink's Day." Mine. The day when I will catch up on all my RPs and hopefully none of my loving, understanding partners will impale me in any way with a spork. <3
Caiel Iries

Report | 02/25/2008 6:12 pm

Caiel Iries


O_O How are you?

I'm dead.



<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Trig. is killing meeeeee. -_-</span>

Pink Cat Mint

Report | 12/15/2007 11:27 pm

Pink Cat Mint

Finals coming up. So not much. o.o
Artemis Evelyn

Report | 12/13/2007 3:32 am

Artemis Evelyn

Hey there x3 how's it going~?

Report | 11/15/2007 2:21 pm


Hey thanks for the purhcase!
I love Vitor

Report | 11/14/2007 7:05 pm

I love Vitor

Hi....Thx for buying from my store.

User Image

Report | 09/16/2007 6:02 pm


I love that song, "Accidentally in Love". xD It makes me think of marshmallows.

Uh, anyway...I just felt like commenting your profile for no particular reason.

Homework sucks. D8


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