kat thoughts
an arangement of poems, rants, riddles and much more
Birthday: 08/08
an arangement of poems, rants, riddles and much more
beware for someday i shell rule you all
insagnifacant race
when i rule the world ill remember what you did to me
you may hate me now but someday youl wish you hadnt
if we all die today will you remember you ow me your soul?
life sucks then you die
i will rule all!!!
when all you can do is die, at least die for the one you love
let death smile apon you but fear not for he means you no harm, it is not his job to judge your soul, mearly to weather your soul to the netherworld
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No worries about the nudity, I understand the struggle.
and the item is called SDPlus #304 Jittery Jill