Registered: 02/20/2009
Gender: Female
Birthday: 08/25/1994
[b:b525714890] [i:b525714890] "Growing up is hard and no one understands...." [/b:b525714890] [/i:b525714890]
My Dream Avi's:
[img:b525714890][/img:b525714890] [img:b525714890][/img:b525714890]
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~Art is a beautiful thing~
"Life is full of losses,but when you lose something,you gain something as well..."
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yay you're online again! ; u ;
i'm like online everyday, so if you miss me just comment hehe
hmmm but i can try yum_puddi
but but but i get bored easily cuz it's so hard to make the drawing kawaii hiks
ooh ok!
yesh i know emotion_awesome
i'll post after my exams... maybe... ahaha