Pencil Heart

Pencil Heart's avatar

Birthday: 07/30


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I'ma crazy funky chick! Yes I'm African-American and yes I'm pretty wierd for a black girl but watever! Some people would say I'm short but I say I'm just vertically challenged! =]

I love lots of things and I do hate a couple things...I'm not afriad to do much, though I'm terrified by a couple things...Ugh...Can't think of anything else to say >.<

I guess if you want to get to know me just add and chat! I'd love to meet new peoples! By the way I'm not new to roleplaying so I'll have a couple of RP Character's up in my journal, pretty soon I hope!


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Pwease help with either one?!?!


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Inside the Heart

Oy expect the most random stuff in here! From daily life things to roleplay characters to wanting help/advice to random junk! Hee hee.


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imToo xSexii Report | 09/07/2008 1:37 pm
imToo xSexii
This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.
ironfist23 Report | 08/14/2008 5:00 am
nice profile
floppy1221 Report | 07/29/2008 8:20 am
happppppppppppppy b-day lol
Xxcole13Xx Report | 07/28/2008 10:38 am
hi, i guess i added u a loooooong time ago, but i got a message telling my its ur birthday, and then so i got u a gift, the baggy pants that u want nd i tryed to give it to u but it said that the girft giving was currently diabled, and btw i would have goten u a skarf but i didnt have enough gold lol
private smiley1 Report | 07/27/2008 5:15 pm
private smiley1
thanx i try i got a tokko background on my myspace page
private smiley1 Report | 07/26/2008 7:27 pm
private smiley1
i love the collage background u got
floppy1221 Report | 07/24/2008 6:32 am
nice proflie sis
iAxelle Report | 07/21/2008 7:44 pm
I'd just make a different account. :/
You've probably been reported about a bazillion times.
iAxelle Report | 07/21/2008 7:38 pm
Change your password.
iAxelle Report | 07/21/2008 7:35 pm
I see. o_O


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Help pwetty pwease?


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