
Peaxeful's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/11


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Hi!!! Call me Peaxeful ^^
I am a very friendly person and I like to draw!
I love to make avatars, and spend a long time to make them sometimes <3
You would find me most likely in the Exchange..or browsing your shop >.<
Leave me comments? <3
Luffs for ya :3

Please don't send me random friend requests. I would like to at least have talked to you before adding you, since adding people I have never talked to seems kind of pointless :c



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tiny elephants Report | 08/19/2014 1:47 am
tiny elephants
it's no problem! haha, i have the same problem! i used to go crazy over teal and cream because those colors are pretty difficult to match, too... then i was like "ain't nobody got time fo this" and started making mainly monochrome avatars xD

aw, thank you!! hahaha that's the problem i had with lucie's skirt, too. i used to hate it so much because it's so fluffy, and how do you balance something like that without using enormous hair?
then i finally realized that pale mari's title pose kind of works... i mean, it's not the right shade, but... i can live with it ; u ;
tiny elephants Report | 08/19/2014 1:29 am
tiny elephants
hello! just wanted to let you know that i think your avatar's very pretty!
i'm especially impressed by how you managed to match all the gold tones. that color is so hard to find on gaia ; o ;
Yokies Report | 08/17/2014 7:23 pm
You're welcome. 4laugh
And thank you very much. ♥ ♥
Alena Volkova Report | 08/16/2014 2:18 am
Alena Volkova
Come back anytime! whee
Squawkeye Report | 08/14/2014 1:47 am
Thanks for shopping!
Valentine Painkiller Report | 08/13/2014 11:17 pm
Valentine Painkiller
Hey sorry... was trying to make some quick cash and someone else hit me up really fast already had trade ready :/ I waited for you.
Mrs_ForeverAlone Report | 08/13/2014 5:31 pm
Muahaha I rung you dry!
Mrs_ForeverAlone Report | 08/13/2014 5:19 pm
thanks for buying ^-^ I got far more than I was expecting aha
IL0GIC Report | 08/12/2014 5:47 pm

Yeah the music is really peaceful emotion_yatta
Xyrant Report | 08/11/2014 10:54 pm
Thank you for the purchase! whee



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