
You're here!
Meaning you're not there, but here.

I less-than-three you all.

Who am I? I am me. Meaning I'm fourteen, fat and geeky, which I love being. I'll go by Allie around here.

I wish I could say I was a romantic, a dreamer. But really, I'm boring. : D

User Image

Allie Likes~
her buddies- -
writing- -
drawing- -
air-guitar-in-front-of-the-mirror-when-no-one-is-looking- -
anime&manga- -
FLCL, Boogiepop Phantom&Konjiki no Gash Bell in particular- -
books- -
attempting to act- -
(decent) Fanfiction- -
fanfiction that's so bad it's laughable- -
the pillows- -
Satoshi Kon's movies- -

Allie Dislikes~
awful grammar- -
the book Twilight- -
math homework- -
people who refuse to learn- -
the really, really, really, really annoying type of fangirls- -
fanfiction that's so bad it isn't even funny- -
having the facts all wrong- -
too many things to count- -

And that's a small list. More to come?

A shoutout to all my awesome AK buddiez. : D



The Journal of Doom and Other Spiffy Things.

Whatever I feel like.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/08/2011 12:34 pm


i loves chu (:
saucy fellow

Report | 02/21/2010 2:41 pm

saucy fellow

saucy fellow

Report | 02/21/2010 2:32 pm

saucy fellow

still. cool
and judging by where you're at on the stalker bar, i'm guessing anna?
saucy fellow

Report | 02/21/2010 2:26 pm

saucy fellow

well, well, well.
look who magically came back. cool

Report | 09/27/2009 4:41 pm


Yay! I'm trying to spread it around. I looove it. ^^

Report | 09/26/2009 8:22 am


Oooh. I like your profile. ^^
Bam Bubble

Report | 09/24/2009 10:24 pm

Bam Bubble

Reading your 'About' section, I have to ask. Have you ever tried air saxophone?
saucy fellow

Report | 09/20/2009 9:42 pm

saucy fellow

.... Raine makes a sexy Gandalf.
o ____ o ;;
( watches own multimedia several times )
saucy fellow

Report | 08/12/2009 7:36 pm

saucy fellow

Femme Mantis

Report | 08/10/2009 4:26 pm

Femme Mantis

You are invited to the Gaia wedding of quee and Kylopop Phantom.

The ceremony will take place at a specified thread in Barton towns on Aug 12, 2009 at 2 pm. (Screenshots will taken in Gaia Towns afterwards for those who would like to join.) For those curious, a link will be posted and provided on the stated date in the AK (For those of our friends who are familiar with it.) or if you are not familar with this hangout, simply reply and you will be given the link via pm.

Thank you and we hope to see you there.

(I apologize since i met to send these out via PMs but the darn thing wouldn't let me do it my way. ^^'
After about six of these i am laughing. XD' )


User Image

...and was formerly known as 'and -O-thers'.