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Music :]

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Please help me obtain my first obsession on this account <3
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Donations more then welcome Help moi? :3

2009 to do list

make new friends
reconnect with old friends
fall in love
meet someone new
get footsie pajamas
get my septum pierced
trust someone
color my hair bright blue
help someone
get a professional camera
grow my fingernails
keep the weight off
get my lip done
feel loved
love myself
Become patient
lose weight
meet Rocky
move somewhere else
get a drawing tablet


I'm 16.
I'm in the 11th grade.
I'm a girl duh.
I am Canadian.
I'm shy.
I'm Bisexual.
I'm Pagan.
I'm single.
I do avi arts but I need to get a scanner..
I'm an artist in many ways.
I don't act my age.
I love all colors.
I play bass guitar
I'm in a good mood most of the time.
I smile to much.
Music is a huge part of my life.
I don't judge people so stop judging me.
I love taking pictures.
Do not underestimate me.
My name is Laura.
And I am myself :]