P r s c - 2

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Birthday: 04/01

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P a s s e r s b y

Freya Nightfell on 01/22/2024

P r o c e s s i n g . . .

Immigration 100% Complete
(-) entire carapace

(+) facial & cilium layering

(-) facial & 5Cr-Mo-V (intermediate alloy steel) layering 

 Type of Inhabitant: Artificial Intelligence 
Type Name: Elite Rank Soldier :: Information assimilator 
Serial Number: PRSC :: ALOREA  

Name: Priscilla Aerola :: P.A 

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Age: 9 months


Without artificial covering :: face & body, P.A has the general skeletal construction of a human (female) body. The difference being the metallic form and basic facial structure. Four eyes (or rather, lenses) are positioned diagonally to one another on the face, no mouth, hair, eyebrows, nose, or ears. As they are not needed. The 'eyes' shift in a circular motion on the face in a 'blinking' manner.

With artificial covering :: face, appearance :: neck up :: is changed. Basic facial structure is adorned, as well as hair. A pair of dark yellow irises and gray sclera within the eyes. Thin, stubbed nose. Eyebrows. Short, black locks of hair. Over time, P.A has obtained three facial injuries. One scar below her left eye, one below her right, and another horizontal across her forehead. 

With entire carapace :: body, P.A stands at 5'10, with light colored, fragmented (puzzle-pieced) skin. Due to prototype incompletion, artificial skin below the neck is broken into large structured segments. PRSC currently works to fix out her bugs, as well as possibly seal cord outlets furrowed between her shoulder blades, above her elbows, along the lining of her pelvis, and thighs.            

Generalities: Biology, Chemical, and Biotech researcher, specialized weapons manufacturer.

General :: abilities Strength, agility, flexibility, durability.

Defense :: armor Four hardy layers of defense, as well as special joint (aka. bones) engineering. Which (Inconel 625) heightens agility and flexibility, while an extremely high bearing strength layer of dyed (black) AISI 4130 protects inner (humans title it 'bone marrow') and vital structures from damage. Layered above the 625 alloy is a highly heat resistant metal; Tungsten (aka. Muscle), which coats outer workings. The entire body, as a final layer, is kept within a shell of treated titanium (aka. skin)  

Offense :: fighting ability PRSC retains exceptional skill in hand-to-hand combat, as well as an abundance of weaponry knowledge. She most often wields an 17-4PH structured blade or an 15-5PH Magna beam rifle. Large WMD's do not suit her applications, as she was created for stealth, not harsh battle.  
Weapons // tools:

//An extremely wide variety//

Nanoids, anti-materiel nail gun, acid blade, acid SMG, electromagnetic launcher, stun blade, plasma rifle, air cannon & O2 grenade, solid O2 blade, twin shotguns ...
Mode of Transportation: Foot and/or Hover bike. Foot is used most often.
Interaction Program Specifics: 

A rather strange individual. Witholding the attributes of a human being. Inner thoughts and emotions. As a newly developed piece, PRSC detains an incessant curiosity towards the world around (as if she is a growing child) . Despite the abundance of information being uploaded into P.A's databases prior to her complete construction, she takes on an odd ignorance to the most general of knowledge. This is most often displayed through her frequent questions and easily enthralled persona. Whether this habit of learning (or rather, being willfully unaware) was developed over a short period of time, or enrooted into her mindset during creation, it is a unique attribute. P.A, while very disquisitive, nonetheless remains focused on her job at hand -- if one is to be done. When at work, she is rather stoic, as a machine should be. Rarely vocal around others, P.A often responds in short head shakes and curt nods. She can often be found huntched over things, on top of things, behind things, and/or below things, studying others closely in hiding. Her personality remains the same, human carapace or stripped artificial flesh. Though at times she is extremely rebellious and independant. PRSC originally found her usual look [(-) entire carapace] befitting, but eventually took a liking to the natural 'human foreskin'. She admires the human's ability to show emotion through facial expression, and cherishes the idea of others being able to discern feelings simply by glancing at a face. As she studied tourists closely on the planet of Setamoor, sketching pictures and forming personal preferences, she carefully developed an artificial flesh and cilium layering. Quite satisfied by her workings and most impressed by the facial structure she herself created, she most often equips the facial carapace and cilium layer (head hair) only. However, when watching over the tourists of Setamoor, the entire carapace is adorned, as she most often interacts with them. As P.A still 'lacks' certain mundane knowledge, proper apparel is often absent while the entirety of the carapace is equipped. An action that usually causes her problems within the mortal community. This contributes to her unique personality among mortals and machines, and has in a short time, earned her a handful of negative epithets. Mostly, when around her metallic comrades, she equips a light-toned facial layering, as she soundly rejects the idea of being just a piece of hardware. Better yet, hardware at all. Only in battle (missions, rather) , does P.A rid herself of artificial coverings, as well as metallic structuring that specifies gender.        


P.C, now known as P.A, was created as a simple computer. Which humans, in their time of governmental reign, used to keep track of weaponry records and blue-print back ups (things of that nature). As time passed, and futuristic machinary began to replace outdated technology, P.C's model type was disposed of. However, as it's build was compacted, reserved information was stored within an upgraded structure. Over time, this process of replacement repeated itself. P.C's intell was restored, reserved, restored, reserved, numerous times. Kept for mundane history records. After hundreds of years, and ample technology improvement, P.A's military data was updated, seen as old and irrelevant to the current time, but assuredly important, hence it being reserved for so long. P.C was refreshed as a newly developed super computer, advanced technologies enabling proper functioning. As time went on, P.C was adopted as a traditional system of storage.

Information was updated after certain periods of time, and build was upgraded along with technology advancements. As humans began to lose racial dominance, and futuristic structure began to overthrow mundane tradition, important information began to fade from computer databases, replaced with up-to-date files. In this process of refreshing, researchers began to find the loss of possibly needed data troubling. In the midst of electronic transition, stubborn scientists scurried about, stealing remaining hardware and hundreds of reservation chips that could aid them in their attempt to save tradition. One scientist in particular discovered P.C. His name was Harper Lee. This scientist formed a plan to assemble a structure so great, it would be able to protect his secret. 

With the help of a handful of scientists, Lee stored what was deemed: Mundane tradition on a single micro chip. This chip was stored within a uniquely structured computer. What is now known as an A.I. Scientists worked for years formulating a suitable vessel to carry this treasure and created the very first prototype A.I. Unfortunetly, before research could be concluded, authorities discovered the scientists' secret work, holding each in contempt of thievery, and incarcerating all. All information, models, and prints were confiscated. Including the mysterious A.I. -- P.C was held within governmental confinement for years, enduring harsh experimentation before finally falling into the hands of a Setamoorian researcher. As the humans were more than puzzled by their findings, they traded the machine for a large sum of money. And the information with it. 

With this new scientist, whom was a cyborg himself, P.C was refined, and once again, restored. Now assigned a different title. The title was P.A, short for Program assimilation. P.A was placed into Setamoor military to work as an information gatherer. As its original purpose was to store it, it seemed suitable. However, over the course of a few months, the Setamoorian cyborg discovered that mundane tradition had been enrooted so deeply from eons of refreshing and reloading, that it was not possible to remove it from P.A's memory chip. 

The cyborg worked hard in attempting to removing it, without damaging the chip itself, but in conclusion, ended up damaging the A.I's memory of it's computer life. Despite this damage, the desire for new information was soundly retained. P.A slowly began to discover itself. Soon specifying it's own gender. Over the course of 5 months, the scientist slowly became abohorred with his finished product. Watching P.A develop a liking for humans, (ignoring the fact that he himself, was human) create 'foreign' skins, and outer layerings. Even go as far as to give 'herself' a new name: Priscilla Aerola. He was frowned upon for creating such a thing! Unsatisfied at it's development of mundane traits and other worldly knowledge, the cyborg snapped. It formulated a plan to get rid of the machine.

However, the scientist was divulged after lengthy Setamoor investigations led to the discovery of his work. He was labeled a criminal and charged with human collaboration and illegal immigration. In an attempt to destroy evidence, the scientist was prepared to crush the body of P.A and sell off the memory chip on the market. The cyborg was in turn, felled by P.A. Conjointly, the mental damage dealt from losing a father sent the A.I into a state of shock and a deep sleep.         


e n c r y p t i o n

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Minors, I'd prefer it if you did not bother me.

illiterates make me purge.

I rarely respond to stupidity with words.

Guild target of the week: The Brotherhood

P.A - M o d e l 1

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