
Owlyy's avatar

Registered: 10/24/2009

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Birthday: 07/29


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tristen c. hughes.
music, art, turtles, sweets, and bread.
♥ ♥ ♥



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xXx_TMNT_xXx Report | 03/13/2011 7:43 pm
You have crazy awesome hair...Yet it is strangly close to mine...Weird...Haha
DazedClarity Report | 08/31/2010 10:49 am
boom shaka lakaaaa.
Cee Bear Report | 08/28/2010 4:38 pm
Cee Bear
"So... you had seventeen boyfriends.... and I'm supposed to care?"
I've been single for fifteen years and I'm proud of that. D:<
Cee Bear Report | 08/27/2010 11:45 am
Cee Bear
Awesome. I've been sick for a week because of Novocaine from a dentist appointment. :<

There's a Freshman at my school, who is also the son of my brother's old Chinese teacher, who has the name Alex.
I was all, "....Lolwhut.... Cool."
He was over yesterday for a meet and greet thing. We played/failed at Super Smash Bros Brawl with my brothers. XD

My friend Sarah has a cute Italian "boyfriend" with the name Alex.
She like, talks about him all the time. xD
Cee Bear Report | 08/26/2010 7:08 pm
Cee Bear
No...? ono;
I didn't roleplay at all last school year, June, or July. ono

And why do all cute guys have the name Alex? ;<
Cee Bear Report | 08/26/2010 12:02 am
Cee Bear
Yes. We could. :U

Cee Bear Report | 08/25/2010 1:04 am
Cee Bear
We should try another roleplay.... maybe.

Cee Bear Report | 08/24/2010 11:01 am
Cee Bear
Cee Bear Report | 08/20/2010 1:58 pm
Cee Bear
What is it?
Cee Bear Report | 06/27/2010 1:14 am
Cee Bear
Good for you...? DDD:
I talked to Alex a few days ago.
He's making himself become an outcast by pushing his family away and not speaking to his friends.
His paranoia is making him think everyone is using him and aren't truly caring.
So to quote him; "Bethany.. You were my closest friend on Gaia Online for a long time. I met you through Maria, and through you I met Tristan. I would go so far as to say that I loved each of you for a while. But things happen. I go through.. Well, cycles, I guess. Of paranoia. I am convinced that everybody around me is lying to me, pretending to be my friend in order to exploit me, and I just get rid of all my friends and try to start over. I hurt people by doing this.

And, to top off my assholishness, I condition myself to dislike people so that I don't feel pain as I push away people who care for me. I don't want to ever speak to Tristan again, and she's done nothing but care for me. You.. I guess we just fell out easily enough that I can still be friends with you. But I feel sick with myself knowing that I can be such a jerk, and nothing I do can change it. So I'm in self-imposed exile. I have no friends, I've ostracized my family.. I'm joining the military as soon as I'm done with high school, so that I don't end up some homeless person on the street. My life's spiraling down the drain, and I just can't muster the will to stop it.

Bethany, you contacting me makes me feel so.. Conflicted. I am glad you did, really. I need somebody to talk to. But at the same time, I'm angry at you for opening old wounds. Talking about myself always leads to me becoming depressed and angry. Whenever I think about the past, I just want to rip my hair out because of the choices I've made, people I've lost, and the direction I'm going."

Yeah.... I cried.


tristen chase hughes | gay | fifteen | happy.
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